Diet - onion soup

Onion soup - this is a dish that you can continuously eat for a week and at the same time lose about four kilograms. If the last part of the sentence, you are more than satisfied, then with the first not all can be agreed. Alas, a diet on an onion soup suggests that every meal you eat will consist precisely of this drug.


With the help of a diet with fat-burning onion soup, you activate metabolism, improve intestinal motility, increase sensitivity to insulin, remove all "garbage" from the body, get rid of edema, and, of course, lose weight. It turned out just a list of cases for a whole year. And all this, it turns out, can be achieved in a week of onion soup.


Onion is not the most fragrant vegetable, and, frankly speaking, has no mass of admirers. It may happen that having cooked a 10 l pot of soup, you just vomit from the resulting dish. So start small and make a one-off portion. And one more thing: about the fragrance. During a diet with onion soup, you will not smell in the best way out of your mouth.


For our diet, we will cook onion soup with celery.

Onion soup



Grind the onions and cabbage, celery three on a grater, and put in a saucepan. Fill with water and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat and cook until done. Before the end of cooking, add spices.


During the diet for weight loss on an onion soup, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Onion soup should be on your table every time you eat.
  2. For onion soup, as a supplement, you can eat fruits / vegetables / rice boiled / salad with white meat and vegetables. Choose only one of the options.
  3. Onion soup should be prepared without salt, as well as additional dishes.
  4. Duration of the diet is seven days. Since this low-calorie diet is a serious stress for the body, it is possible to perform such onion cleaning only once every three months.