Carrot puree

Carrot puree is an indispensable source of carotene for the body and is especially useful for young children. Prepare it at home is extremely simple, and you can see this by reading the material below.

How to cook carrot puree - a recipe?



To prepare carrot puree thoroughly wash the carrot fruits from dirt, peel off the skin, cut into small pieces, put in an enameled container, fill it with filtered water and put it on the fire. Cook the vegetable on a moderate fire for thirty minutes after boiling, and then we rub the carrot with a blender, mix it with milk, adding about 50 ml of it to one medium carrot, and again break through a little.

If you cook carrot puree for a small child, then this should be limited. If a child is older or puree is intended for a wide audience, then add to it the taste of butter or vegetable oil and salt.

The same principle is used to prepare potato-carrot puree. For a better taste for one part of carrots, it is better to take two pieces of potatoes and add 100 ml of vegetable mixture to 35 ml of milk. Such puree perfectly fits both for baby food, and for a dietary side dish to meat dishes.

Carrot and Pumpkin Puree



We shredded and cleaned carrots thoroughly, washed in small cubes, placed in an enameled container, poured with filtered water so that it barely covered the vegetable, brought to a boil, lowered the intensity of the fire to a minimum and cooked under the lid. After fifteen minutes, add the chopped small flesh of pumpkin, cumin and salt and cook more about twenty minutes. After that, merge the water, and the vegetable mass is blended with a blender, add butter, milk and a little more.

We serve mashed potatoes with leaves of parsley and pumpkin seeds.

If such a carrot-pumpkin puree is prepared for a small child, then you should exclude cumin from the recipe, and reduce the amount of butter and salt to a minimum or also not use it depending on the age of the baby.

Carrot puree, both in its pure form, and in combination with other vegetables, can be prepared by pre-cooking the vegetables for a couple and then their scouring.