Prothrombin by Quique

The detection of the amount of prothrombin by Kvik in the blood is one of the important analyzes in coagulation. Since this substance is formed in the liver, Quik's prothrombin is examined to determine the state of the stomach, liver and intestinal system, making a conclusion about the existing diseases.

Blood test and determination of prothrombin by Kwick

Prothrombin is a complex protein synthesized in the liver with the presence of vitamin K. Therefore, the determination of the amount of this substance is the most important test in carrying out hemostasiograms.

Quik's prothrombin assay was proposed to determine clotting by analyzing prothrombin changes from a plot that is based on prothrombin time data (i.e., the time span for which blood is folded) from plasma dilutions.

The doctor may order the delivery of this analysis in such cases:

Normally, the percentage of prothrombin in Kwick should be between 78 and 142.

To hand over the analysis advise on an empty stomach preferably in the morning. The last meal should be no later than six hours before the procedure. During the day before the delivery of tests, it is forbidden to eat fatty foods and fried foods. It is also necessary to abandon strong physical exertion, and for half an hour to exclude emotional and physical stress.

You can take medication only after the blood is taken for analysis. However, earlier than fourteen days after the withdrawal of the drugs, the procedure can not be carried out. It is so important to inform the doctor which medications you are taking, as they are able to change the result.

Blood is taken from the patient's vein, placed in a tube with sodium citrate and, after mixing, put in a centrifuge that separates the plasma. After mixing the tissue factor, an analysis is performed.

Prothrombin by Quique is elevated

If the study revealed a deviation from the optimal values ​​in the direction of increase, this indicates the presence of such ailments:

  1. Congenital or acquired deficiency of clotting factors due to malfunction of the liver or the formation of chronic diseases.
  2. The use of anticoagulants , is also the reason that the prothrombin by Quique is high.
  3. DIC is a syndrome observed in oncology, including in leukemia.
  4. Use in the treatment of antibiotics, laxatives, thiazide diuretics, nicotinic acid, aspirin (in excessive amounts), quinine, prolonged intake of contraceptives of hormonal nature.

Prothrombin by Kviku lowered

If there is a change in the amount of prothrombin in the direction of decrease, this indicates on the risk of bleeding, which is associated with such pathologies:

  1. Insufficient vitamin K in the body, which is necessary to activate the substances required for blood clotting, most often a lack of vitamin occurs in dysbacteriosis and other problems with the digestive system).
  2. The use of drugs that affect blood clotting also causes Quik's prothrombin to be below normal.
  3. The presence of pathological processes observed in the liver and associated with problems of the synthesis of clotting factors.
  4. Insufficient content of certain blood factors responsible for clotting can be both congenital and manifested as a result of diseases.