Anal fissure

This is a delicate problem, which is not accepted to speak out loud. Anal fissure, like hemorrhoids, is not a disease that can be complained to a girlfriend over a cup of tea. Even the thought of treating this problem with a doctor causes discomfort. Well, let's try to cope with the anal fissure on our own.

Anal fissure and its symptoms

At its core, the anal fissure is a rupture of the rectal mucosa in the immediate vicinity of the sphincter, or an ulcer in the same zone. It appears most often as a result of mechanical damage:

In addition to these factors, the cause of anal fissure can be a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, resulting in impaired blood supply to the pelvic muscles, high loads and weight lifting, an extraneous object, for example, a plum bones that damaged the intestinal wall during stool. Sometimes the cause can be diarrhea - a corrosive acidic environment damages the walls of the rectum, and accumulations of pathogenic microbes in one area lead to the formation of ulcers. Symptoms of anal fissure:

Similar symptoms in hemorrhoids and intestinal cancer , so if you are not sure if you have a crack, contact your doctor as soon as possible!

Treatment of anal fissure

How to treat anal fissure depends on how long you have this disease. If the anal fissure started to bother only a few days ago, treatment can consist of dieting, washing with warm water after defecation and using a special antibacterial and wound healing ointment. There are cases when an acute anal fissure of a small size heals by itself within a week or two. If you brush off the problem, and a chronic anal fissure has appeared, that is, a wound for more than a month, more serious funds are needed. In severe cases, even an anal fissure can be needed surgically. But this is an extreme measure.

Typically, doctors prescribe the patient ointment from anal fissures, for example:

These same drugs are available in the form of rectal suppositories. Their convenience lies in the fact that candles from anal fissures do not need special nozzles and tubes, they are injected directly into the rectum, and therefore the mucous membrane is traumatized minimally. The active substance slowly dissolves and promotes tissue regeneration.

Your lifestyle is important. How to cure anal fissure, if most of the day you still spend in a sitting position, and eat food dry-handed? It's impossible. The first thing to do is to include in your daily routine minimal physical activity. You can do exercises, or jog, you can walk more, or climb the floor without an elevator. The main thing is to normalize the circulation in the pelvic area.

In the treatment of anal fissures, it is necessary to revise the diet. Doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of clean water a day, there are many products rich in fiber. These are vegetables, fruits, bran, porridge. To soften the stool well suited:

If you eat right, the pain will be much less.

Without timely treatment, the anal fissure can become so deep that the pain in the anus is preserved for several hours after going to the toilet, sometimes the patient develops a stool fear, which only aggravates the problem, causing constipation and, as a consequence, stool hardening. In such situations, you should immediately seek medical help.