Shock-wave therapy of calcaneal spur

Heel spurs are an inflammatory disease of the foot tissues. It is a bone growth that forms on the heel. Causes of the disease may be flat feet, causing strong pressure on the heel, inflammation of ligaments, age changes. A variety of methods are used to treat this ailment, including shock wave therapy of the heel spur, which involves the influence of a special frequency on the painful area of ​​acoustic waves.

The essence of the shock wave therapy

The frequency of the influencing waves is not available to the human ear. They operate in the spectrum of infrasound, which in normal life is caused by hurricanes, transport, earthquakes. However, the difference in the waves used in treatment consists of a short duration and a high amplitude. Due to the low acoustic resistance of soft tissues, waves rapidly spread, affecting bone and cartilaginous tissues.

Unlike laser treatment, which only increases blood circulation, shock wave therapy destroys calcium and other formations. Penetrating into the body, sound speeds up metabolic processes, activates cell growth.

Shockwave therapy with spur

This method allows to cure the disease without surgery and gives really impressive results. Sound destroys calcium deposits, which is heel spurs . Already with the first procedure there is a gradual loosening of the growths, which eventually disappear from the body. In the affected tissues blood flow is quickly restored, cell regeneration is accelerated. The effect of the procedure is noticeable after the first sessions: pain recedes, inflammation decreases, swelling comes off.

After therapy, the following changes are observed:

Advantages of the method are as follows:

The disadvantages of the procedure can be attributed only to high costs.

Treatment of spurs with shock wave therapy

The treatment procedure is simple and absolutely unhelpful. The patient is located on the couch, and the doctor smears with special gel areas of the body, which will be exposed to radiation. Then he chooses the device settings for shock wave therapy, which for each case are individual. After that the device is pressed to the body, and the sending of sound waves begins.

Usually the duration of treatment is ten days, the duration of the procedure is five to thirty minutes.

Before the wave therapy, there is no need for special training, and after that the patient will not need rehabilitation.

Contraindications to shock wave therapy

Patients tolerate this procedure well. It is not accompanied by painful sensations and does not cause complications. However, the following groups of persons should not advise the treatment of acoustic waves: