Polyuria - Causes

Speaking of polyuria, it should be noted immediately that in medical practice, this pathological process of increased urine output is not a separate disease. Accordingly, one can consider polyuria as only a clinical manifestation, which indicates the presence of other diseases.

Pathogenesis and classification of polyuria

Depending on the cause and nature of the manifestation of polyuria, distinguish:

Let's consider more in detail what is the essence of each of them.

So, temporary polyuria is often provoked by hypertensive and diencephalic crisis, tachycardia, the use of a large amount of fluid. While a constant polyuria occurs due to abnormalities in the work of the kidneys and endocrine glands. The mechanism of development of pathological polyuria lies in diseases of internal organs and systems. This type of increased urine output requires more attention, since it can indicate serious illnesses such as:

This is not a complete list of possible causes of pathological polyuria.

Other causes of polyuria

As for the physiological form, it is associated with the consumption of a large amount of liquid, the intake of diuretics and food, stimulating the outflow of urine.

Particularly manifested may be polyuria in diabetes mellitus: in some cases, the amount of urine released reaches ten liters. In addition, in the course of the study, for example, in the Zimnitsky trial, its increased density is noted.

Often, patients notice polyuria at night, in medical practice this phenomenon is called nicturia. Possible causes of nocturnal polyuria: kidney disease and cardiovascular failure. More detailed explanation of the cause of nocturnal polyuria is possible with the help of Zimnitsky's test and other examinations. To the pathological disturbance in the form of the predominance of nighttime urine excretion over daytime, it is necessary to visit the toilet more than twice a night.

It is clear that asking yourself how to treat polyuria, you need to focus on the original cause of its appearance.