Dates with breastfeeding

Ancient people have long appreciated the healing properties of dates. Often we treat them as simple sweets. In fact, the useful properties of these dried fruits can not be underestimated. Knowing about their usefulness, mothers often ask whether it is possible to feed the dates. It is necessary to leave the food value of products and the likelihood of negative consequences after their use. This applies to dates for nursing mothers.

Common properties of dates

The composition of the dates is truly rich in useful ingredients. These dried fruits contain trace elements and macronutrients. They contain essential amino acids. In addition, they also contain vitamins, protein.

If the dates are combined with milk, then in terms of efficiency and caloric content, they will be equated to sports nutrition. Due to its composition, dates are recommended to be used not only as a sweet, but also as a remedy, for example, during rehabilitation from a serious illness or after considerable blood loss.

Dates of nursing mothers

On the question of women, whether it is possible for the nursing mother of dates to respond - it is possible. And there are many reasons for this.

Scientists as a result of many analyzes have found that dates contain substances that stimulate the strengthening of the muscles of the uterus. This is important in childbirth. Dates at a lactemia too are useful. They contain oxytocin, which contributes to the production of more milk.

Dates of lactating mothers will help to ensure the full nutrition of the baby. After birth, milk is the only food of the child and from there he gets everything that is needed for a growing organism. If a woman does not receive useful substances, then the child will feel a shortage. Dates in the lactation period will help to grow a child healthy and strong.

Dates with breastfeeding will provide the mother's body with calcium and magnesium. These substances are actively involved in the formation of bones, and with the mother's milk the child will receive the right amount for growth.

As you know, many mothers suffer from depression after childbirth. The dates contribute to the prevention of nervous breakdowns. This is one more reason why a doctor recommends breast feeding.

Dates in breastfeeding can help overcome not only mother's nervous disorders, but also excessive anxiety and nervousness of the child.

Another useful feature of the date is an easy sedative effect on the body. The fact is that the date contains melatonin, a sleep hormone. Many mothers, due to circumstances, can not fall asleep. A few eaten dates help to calm down and easier to fall asleep.

In addition, as scientists have found, there are serotonin in the dates. It is still popularly called the hormone of happiness. Thanks to this, with breastfeeding dates help your mother to feel better and pass on her good mood to her baby.


As we have already found out, nursing mothers can dates. But there are some nuances.

Dates are protein food. That's why it is not recommended for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Namely, those diagnosed with ulcers, colitis, liver disease, pancreas. People with diabetes also do not recommend dates.

It is also important to remember that when buying dried fruits, you need to be able to choose quality ones. In stores you can buy dates, which were processed with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide. These are quite toxic substances, which, if ingested into the human body, can destroy the walls of the digestive tube. With regular exposure to these substances, an ulcer may appear.

In addition, harmful substances can get into the milk and the baby. It is not known how its fragile organism will react to this. That is why it is worth taking a responsible attitude to the choice of products, including dates.