Cherry - planting and care

Probably, there are few people in the world who would not like sweet and juicy berries of sweet cherry. And certainly, almost everyone would like to have their own cherry tree. Today we will talk about the basic rules of planting and caring for cherries.

Cherry planting with a stone

A person who is far from agriculture, it may seem that in the planting of cherries a bone is absolutely nothing complicated. It would seem that it is difficult - threw a bone into the ground and let it grow. So it is so, but not quite. To grow a cherry from a stone is only half the battle, and its second half, the most important - it is correct then to plant this tree, that is, to plant a branch of a high-quality plant in the tree-plant. If this is not done, then a wild-growing tree will grow out of the stone, with sour and small berries.

And the cultivation of a cherry tree from a stone also has its own subtleties:

  1. Bones should be sown not earlier than in October, keeping them until this time in a package with wet sand in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator.
  2. For planting, you should choose a well-lit area, then loosen the soil on it and dig in it at a distance of 30 cm from each other 3-5 grooves 4-5 cm deep. In these grooves, you need to sow the bones, leaving gaps between them at 10-15 cm.
  3. The next two summers should be closely monitored for the overgrown shoots, leaving only the strongest and tallest seedlings.
  4. Care for cherry seedlings is the timely irrigation and loosening of the soil around them. For the winter, the trunks of the seedlings are warmed with straw.
  5. In the second year after planting on the seedlings, it is already possible to plant a branch of varietal cherry, using for this method of improved copulation.

Planting of cherry seedlings

You can plant cherry seedlings in autumn and spring . The time of planting cherries is determined, first of all, by the weather conditions of the landing region. For example, in the southern regions, cherry planting is done in the fall, and in the north - in the spring, so that, before the onset of frost, it can grow stronger and take root.

  1. To plant cherries, you should choose well-lit areas, protected from winds. The best choice is a place on the south side of the building or the southern slope of the hill. The soil on the site should be rich and loose. Absolutely not suitable for these purposes are lowland areas with stagnation of water or places with a close groundwater table.
  2. It should be remembered that the cherry is a cross-pollinated plant, that is, for the ovary it needs the neighborhood of another tree - cherry or cherry blossoms in the same period. The distance between cherries when planting should be no less than 3-5 meters, so that their crowns do not interfere with each other.
  3. For the planting of cherry seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a planting pit with dimensions of 100x100 cm and depth up to 80 cm.
  4. A soil mixture consisting of soil, wood ash, humus and potash fertilizer must be filled in the planting pit.
  5. Before planting the sweet cherries in the planting pit, strengthen the support column. Then the seedling is lowered there, attached to the support, then it is gently pricked with earth and compacted. The root collar of the seedling should be 5 cm above the ground level.
  6. After planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, and the tree trunk is mulched with peat or humus.

Care for cherries after planting

  1. Cherry does not like weeds, so the ground around it must be carefully weeded, then mulching the soil of the near-trunk circle.
  2. Sprinkle the cherry tree no more than three times a season. The soil of the near-trunk circle before each irrigation is thoroughly swollen, add fertilizer to it, and then water it.
  3. To attract bees, and, therefore, to increase the fruiting next to the cherry can be planted honey, for example, mustard.
  4. You can feed the sweet cherry in the following way: dilute the manure in a proportion of 1 to 8 or use a complex fertilizer for fruit trees.
  5. Every spring the cherry is cut , forming the crown and removing the diseased and dead branches. The slices are immediately treated with a garden sauce.
  6. To protect the trunks from cracking in the fall and spring, they must be whitened.