Bread diet of Olga Raz

Everyone knows that bread is a product that does not allow you to lose excess pounds. But the famous Israeli nutritionist Olga Raz stated that you can eat bread and lose weight with pleasure. The diet developed by her allows not only to eat bread , it is an obligatory part of the menu.

Olga's Bread Diet - Basic Rules

It is necessary to eat low-calorie daily, or replace it with rye or bran, but not white. For each day, men need to cook 16 slices of bread, women - 12. It is necessary 5 times a day, with a thin top layer of something low-fat on top. For example, you can use low-fat fish, cold boiled pork, vegetable caviar.

Tell the famine "No"!

The main rule of the Olga Raz diet is that it is not allowed to starve. You need to eat when time comes. Even if you do not want to - there is a need. That the amount of bread that is supposed to be eaten necessarily.

In the diet menu of Olga Raz, which is excellent for losing weight, not only bread comes in. You can eat any vegetables, except: potatoes, legumes and corn. Vegetables can be eaten raw, you can extinguish and cook, necessarily adding 3 tsp. olive oil.

It is also necessary to include in the menu fruits: apples, citrus, peaches, kiwi. Daily it is necessary to drink 200 grams of fermented milk, for example, kefir.

Three times a week you need to replace one bread reception with low-fat meat or fish with vegetables. Three more times a week allowed the consumption of chicken eggs.

Without fluid, there will be no result!

Of course, that, without consuming enough liquid, the diet will lose all meaning. So, women need to drink 2 liters of fluid, men - 2.5 liters. Water is allowed as a liquid, including mineral, green tea.

It is forbidden to include sauces in the menu, especially mayonnaise . Refuse to and from alcohol, milk, sugar and butter.

Efficiency will pleasantly please

You should know that there are some rules.

For example, a flavored piece of bread can be substituted for 100 g of boiled pasta, 1 potato, 2 crackers or 100 grams of buckwheat.

Fruits are allowed to eat several times a day, the consumption of eggs should be reduced to five per week, meat and fish - up to five times a week. Occasionally you can pamper yourself a little: drink a glass of light beer or dry red wine. Also sometimes it is allowed to replace fruit with ice cream or fruit yoghurt. When the desire to eat sweet is awakened, chew gum or eat sweets with a sugar substitute.

Thanks to the diet of Dr. Olga Raz, there is an opportunity to reduce weight, especially since the body is not damaged, and the process of losing weight is much easier. The diet is based on proper nutrition. A person gets all the elements necessary for the body, including complex carbohydrates.

Advantages of the bread diet:

  1. The diet works for the benefit of the body, but not against it.
  2. It is allowed to eat food that is to your taste and liking.
  3. The intake of complex carbohydrates makes it possible to saturate and not to feel "hungry" irritation.
  4. Helps reduce the addiction to sweets.
  5. Allows you to reduce body weight without suffering.
  6. Diet is suitable for every person and for any budget.
  7. This method is very simple and there is no need to buy special products.

Many people who have tried the diet of the Israeli dietician Olga Raz, refuse from various new diets, as they become irrelevant.