How to develop stress resistance?

To get out of the most difficult situations, accompanied by considerable nervous tension, to be a winner, one must learn how to resist them. This is possible if you know how you can develop stress resistance.

Ways of development of resistibility to stresses

There are general rules and techniques that help to find resistance to stress:

Stress affects the internal processes of the body and is often the cause of many diseases, in particular, gastrointestinal, nervous, heart disease. Repeated exposure to stressful conditions can cause heart attacks, nervous breakdowns, stomach ulcers. In these cases, there are often questions whether it is possible to develop stress resistance and what you need to do for this.

As a rule, at home we find the opportunity to at least relax a little and calm down, but at work, many are often in a state of stress, so no matter how difficult, it is very important to learn to remain calm in all situations and know how to develop stress-resistance at work .

How to protect yourself from stress in the workplace?

There are many ways of forming resistance to stress, and calmness at work needs to be formed at home.

  1. Take a contrast shower, go in for swimming.
  2. Attend the fitness or gym, do exercises.
  3. Find time for your favorite business.
  4. Adjust physical activity.
  5. If possible, go to work and work on foot.
  6. Do not discuss with your colleagues the behavior and manner of the boss's management.
  7. Try to communicate as little as possible with colleagues at work, which do not cause you to have good feelings.
  8. Do not try to show colleagues that only you know what and how to do.
  9. Minimize smoking.
  10. Read books, go to concerts, festivals, creative meetings with interesting people.