Personal life of Sarah Paulson

About the personal life of the famous actress Sarah Paulson goes a lot of rumors. Fans of the celebrity for a long time could not understand why their pets at the age of 40 did not have a family and children. In fact, a woman does not even hide that the reason for everything is her unconventional sexual orientation.

Short biography and personal life of Sarah Paulson

Sarah Catherine Paulson was born in 1974 in the United States. Since childhood, the girl wanted to become a famous actress, and in her school years began to perform in youthful theatrical productions, which enjoyed great success with the audience.

In 1989, Sarah Paulson graduated from high school, and then continued her studies at the American Academy of Dramatic Art. After graduating, in 1994, the girl first appeared on the stage of one of the theaters in New York as a professional actress.

In the same year, Sarah Paulson was awarded the first episodic role in the series "Law and Order", and a year later - one of the main roles in the cult picture "American Gothic". In the future, during her career, the actress starred in a large number of films and serials, but the most popular was the horror thriller American Horror Story.

On the celebrity account there were many novels with young people, however, Sarah Paulson did not consider any of them as a possible companion of her future life. In particular, the love relationship associated the star with the Chilean Pedro Pascal, but with this man everything ended as quickly as it began.

Everything changed only in 2004, when the girl met actress Cherry Jones. According to Sarah, only at that moment she realized that she really fell in love and no longer wants any relationship with men. The novel with Cherry Jones lasted until 2009, but then the girls parted, and Paulson plunged headlong into the work, trying to forget about the unsuccessful love.

Who does Sarah Paulson meet today?

After the novel with Cherry Jones, Sarah Paulson did not hide that she was a lesbian, however, for a long time nothing was known about her personal life. Nevertheless, in 2015, the press reported that the celebrity meets with actress Holland Taylor.

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March 3, 2016 Sarah Paulson gave a detailed interview to the New York Times, where she confirmed that for more than a year she has been in a romantic relationship with her colleague, who is 32 years older than the actress. According to rumors, this unusual pair reigns full harmony, and women are incredibly happy with each other.