Cupcake in a microwave for 5 minutes

We offer you a quick way to prepare a cake in a microwave oven, literally in 5 minutes. This method does not require special forms for dough. The cake can be baked in a cup or a small bowl, which can be freely placed in a microwave oven.

How to quickly make a cupcake in a microwave , we'll tell in the recipes below.

An important recommendation for making cupcakes for all recipes, so that your microwave oven remains clean: the dough should occupy not more than half of the total volume of the selected dishes, in which the cake will be baked, since during cooking it increases significantly in volume.

Quick chocolate cake in a microwave oven - recipe



In a dry mixture of flour, cocoa and sugar, drive the chicken egg, mix thoroughly until smooth, add milk, vegetable oil, vanilla and chocolate and stir again well. Place the crockery in the microwave for about three minutes. The cooking time depends on the capacity of your microwave oven. When the cake stops rising, it's ready.

Chocolate-coffee cupcake, in a microwave in a mug



In a separate bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients: flour, coffee, cocoa powder, sugar, vanilla and baking powder. Then, drive in the egg, add milk, butter and mix thoroughly until smooth. Lubricate the bottom of the mug with oil, pour out the dough and put it in the microwave for ninety seconds at maximum power. If necessary (if the cake still continues to rise), we increase the time. We give the cake a little cool, cut the edges with a knife and turn it over on the saucer. When serving, you can sprinkle the top with powdered sugar, pour with condensed milk, jam or serve along with vanilla ice cream.

Coconut cake with lime



In a large mug (not metal) mix flour, baking powder and sugar, add milk and whisk thoroughly. Then gently enter the coconut shavings and lime peel and mix. We send the mug to the microwave for one minute at maximum power. If the capacity of the oven is not high enough and in one minute the cupcake does not have time to rise, the cooking time can be increased. When serving, sprinkle the cake with lime.

Cupcake with raisins in a microwave oven



Beat soft butter with sugar, then whilst continuing, add one egg at a time, sprinkle a little flour with salt and baking powder and mix thoroughly until smooth. Now lay out, previously steamed for fifteen minutes in hot water and wrung out, raisins and stir again. We spread the dough into silicone or any other form (nonmetallic) and send it to the microwave for five to six minutes. If the dough is laid out on small molds or cups, then two to three minutes is enough. We check the readiness with a toothpick.

Ready to put the cake on a plate and sprinkled with powder.