Garlic sauce with mayonnaise - recipe

Garlic sauce, like any other, can not be called an independent dish, but at the same time it is difficult to overestimate its importance on our table. Many culinary creations are not only complemented by delicious sauces, but also seem to be imperfect without them.

Garlic sauce with mayonnaise is perfect for all meat dishes, fish, seafood and even vegetables. He subtly emphasizes the taste of the food and gives it a unique flavor.

To prepare this wonderful sauce you can use both the purchased mayonnaise and make it yourself at home, which will undoubtedly improve the taste of the extra dish and make it more useful. The amount of garlic can be adjusted to your taste, and the addition of sour cream will give the sauce a gentle and softer taste.

Below from our recipes you will learn how to make a delicious garlic sauce with mayonnaise.

How to make garlic sauce with mayonnaise?



Prepare this sauce is not easy, but very simple. To do this, we clean the cloves of garlic and let it through the press. To garlic mass, add mayonnaise, pour the ground black pepper to taste and mix. Mayonnaise and garlic sauce is ready. We serve to the table, shifting it into a gravy boat.

This is his classic cooking option, which can be varied to your liking. For example, you can add crushed pre-washed and dried fresh herbs. Perfect for this young fennel, parsley or basil. You can also add a variety of flavored spices or instead of black ground peppers use a mixture of peppers of different varieties. Experiment and show imagination. Each time the taste of the sauce will be different, but no less interesting.

Garlic sauce with sour cream and mayonnaise



To make this sauce, mix the sour cream with mayonnaise in a bowl, add the garlic squeezed through the press, the previously peeled garlic and finely chopped dill. If desired, season with a ground mixture of peppers and mix everything with a whisk until it is uniform and fluffy. Garlic sauce with sour cream and mayonnaise is ready. We put it in the saucepan and serve it to the table.