Why is not blooming spathiphyllum?

All flowers are very beautiful, they even often compare the beautiful half of humanity - women. But for some reason, only the spathiphyllum is called female female flower, although it is not as popular as violets, begonias, phalaenopsis or other houseplants. You can even meet another name spathiphyllum - female happiness. This is due to the fact that according to popular beliefs it is this flower that helps unmarried young girls to meet their second half, and those who have already found it - to become a mother. Yes, and the flower spathiphyllum looks very gentle: one snow-white large petal skirts the inflorescence, shaped like an ear, as if a woman has a thin veil.

Spathiphyllum belongs to the family of aroids. In his homeland, in the tropical forests of South America, you can find about 45 species of this flower. But at home, most flower growers grow Spathiphyllum blooming and Spathiphyll Wallis. Spathiphyllum blooming is a perennial herbaceous evergreen plant. It reaches a height of 40cm, has a small stem and bright green glossy rounded leaves 15-30cm long. Spathiphyllum Wallis does not have a stem, and the leaves are collected in a basal rosette. Flowers spathiphyllum are white or cream-colored corrals, surrounded by a white or pale green veil, blossom for about a month.

Florists often encounter when growing spathiphyllum with the fact that it ceases to bloom or blooms badly, and do not know what to do about it. In this article we will consider the main reasons why the spathiphyllum does not blossom and how to make it bloom.

The usual period of flowering spathiphyllum lasts from the middle of spring to the end of summer, as it blooms frequently - several times a year. It can even bloom and eight to nine months, it depends on the age of the plant, care and lighting. For better bloom it should be placed on the eastern windows. To cause the spathiphyllum another bloom, after the end of the previous flowering period, you need to cut off the already blossoming peduncles as low as possible to the base.

The reasons why spathifillum does not bloom:

How to make spathiphyllum blossom?

  1. Blossom spathiphyllums only when its roots will weave the entire pot, i.e. it will become "tight". But do not rush to transplant the flower at once, but when transplanting, take the pot a little bit more than the previous one.
  2. If as a result of pouring water under the root of the plant, diseased leaves appear and roots begin to rot, you must first cut off the leaves (dry tips) and dry the soil. Next, organize the correct watering: water only after drying the upper layer of the earth, loosen, spray, add to the water for irrigation "Zircon" or "Energene."
  3. Choose the right place for its location: without direct sun rays, but with enough light, the penumbra is well suited, without sudden changes in temperature and drafts.
  4. To provoke flowering, you can hold the plant slightly in a drier state first, and then in a slightly cooler place and return it to its usual place.
  5. During the period of active growth (from spring to autumn), it is necessary to feed spathiphyll every second week with a solution of mineral fertilizer for flowering plants in a small concentration. The rest of the time - 1 time per month. To use also for top dressing of fertilizer with the lowered maintenance of nitrogen and the raised maintenance of potassium.
  6. Stir the flower gently, pull it over the leaves.

Adhering to the basic rules of care for the spathiphyllum and eliminating the reasons why it does not bloom, your "female happiness" will please you with its flowering every year.