Phenibut and alcohol

Phenibut is a well-known psychotropic drug that is used to solve various problems. One of the directions of its use is the treatment of alcoholism. Despite this, Fenibut and alcohol are incompatible, and experts do not strongly recommend using them together - the consequences of such a combination may be the most unpredictable.

When do they appoint Phenibut?

A huge advantage of the drug is in a wide range of actions. Phenibut has a pronounced nootropic and tranquilizing effect. In addition, the drug has a powerful antioxidant, antihypoxic and anticonvulsant effect.

Use of Phenibutum is possible both for curative and preventive purposes. The medication is prescribed for various diseases of the central nervous system, as well as to alleviate the negative conditions.

The main indications for the use of Phenibut are:

Many specialists use Phenibut for the treatment of delirious and pre-dilerious conditions observed with alcoholism.

Can I take Phenibut with alcohol?

In the instructions to the drug there is not a word that it is impossible to take Phenibut with alcohol. But any physician will assure you of the opposite. Treatment of alcoholism with this medication in general should be under the constant supervision of a specialist, preferably in a hospital.

Both alcohol and Phenibut act directly on the central nervous system. Only very small doses can be considered harmless. In other cases, the active substances act sedately - the nervous system is depressed, which is fraught with serious problems. Strictly speaking, this is one of the most important answers to the question whether it is possible to drink Fenibut with alcohol.

Another reason - a fairly large similarity in the metabolism of alcoholic beverages and medicines. And this means that Phenibut can easily enhance the effect of alcohol. That is, intoxication comes much faster, and a hangover is much more unpleasant.

Of course, each organism reacts to the drug in its own way, and there are such categories of patients who claim that after taking Fenibut they do not get alcoholic intoxication at all. And yet you should not experiment - the statistics says that such lucky people are a minority.

When can I take Phenibut after taking alcohol?

This factor is also individually determined. Depending on the characteristics of the body, some patients can safely take the medication as early as the next morning after consuming alcoholic beverages. Others also have to wait for several days, otherwise tablets cause poor health.

Find out more exactly, after how long you can drink Phenibut after alcohol you can only by testing the medicine. Of course, preceded by a comprehensive examination and consultation with a specialist.

Consequences of combining Fenibut and alcohol

Drowsiness and easy retardation are the most harmless consequences of combining two incompatible substances. Sometimes in parallel with them a person has a feeling of anxiety .

It is highly undesirable for a rattling mixture to enter the body of a patient suffering from diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Alcoholic drinks with Fenibut can lead to irreversible dangerous changes.

It also happens that as a result of reconciliation, people lose consciousness, tactile perception, and some even fall into a clinical coma.