Pies with jam

Any fruit jam home-made - one of the traditional stuffing for pies. And jam as a filling is preferable to jam, because it uses much less sugar. It's nice to pamper such a batch of home and guests, especially on holidays.

To prepare pies usually use a simple yeast, butter or puff pastry (you can make it yourself or buy ready-made).

Patties with jam - recipe



Let's free ourselves from negative thoughts and adjust to positive - this is necessary: ​​working with a yeast test requires a good mood and concentration. 2-4 tablespoons of flour, sugar, salt and yeast diluted in slightly warmed milk and put in a warm place for 20 minutes.

When the opara is suitable, we knead the dough from the sifted flour. Sifting enriches the flour with air, and the dough turns out to be more magnificent. Lubricate the hands with butter and knead the dough carefully. Cover it with a clean towel and put it in a warm place - go. When it comes up, we'll double it and wait, when it will increase in volume for the second time. Again, let's dough the dough, and you can make pies.

We roll from the dough "sausage" and cut it with a knife into roughly the same pieces. Roll each piece with a rolling pin, put a little stuffing (i.e., jam), patch around the edges. Now you can fry or bake (of course, the second way is healthier, however, the choice is yours). If you are going to fry, pies should be closed, and if the oven, you can and open, but we form them so that the jam does not leak during baking.

Many are interested in how best to cook pies with jam, fried in a frying pan.

You can, of course, fry pies on sunflower oil (better refined). In this version, fry the patties on both sides. Readiness is determined by the color of the crust, appetizing appearance and smell. However, when heated in vegetable oil, unhealthy carcinogenic compounds are formed. Therefore, it is better to use lard.

Before preparing pies, we grease the pan with a piece of lard and fry the patties on both sides. In this version, the dough is more likely to be baked than fried, which, in fact, is good, this way is more healthy.

But, of course, it's even better to bake pies with jam in the oven.

Lubricate the baking tray with butter or a slice of lard (you can pre-coat the baking sheet with baking paper), spread pies on it. If the yeast is dough, let it come for 15 minutes and put in an oven, heated to an average temperature. Bake for about 40 minutes. We pour the finished pies on top with egg white with a brush.

Dough for pies with jam can be prepared on kefir.



Pour kefir into a bowl, add egg, salt, softened butter, soda (not quenched), mix everything thoroughly. Now add a little flour (necessarily sifted). Thoroughly mix (you can mixer). The dough should not stick to your hands. Before forming the patties, let the test be 20 minutes apart, and then we'll mix it again. Then you can make patties and bake, or fry.

For pies with jam, you can serve freshly brewed tea, compote, mate or rooibos, you can, of course, and coffee or cocoa .