Harm from the air conditioner

Now many air conditioners are installed in the houses, which make the stay at home comfortable and pleasant, even when the column of the thermometer rises to the level of 40 ° C outside the window. But, as often happens, for all the blessings of civilization have to pay. Recently, the topic of the influence of the air conditioner on human health and minimization of possible harm has been increasingly discussed.

Is the air conditioner harmful to health?

Yes, the use of air conditioners often leads to unpleasant consequences for the body. Firstly, the conditioner in many cases causes a cold: we suffer from a runny nose, a sore throat or even sore throat and pneumonia. Usually ARVI occurs due to a sharp temperature drop, when we, sweating in the street at + 32 ° С, enter the coolness of the room, where the air is cooled to + 19 ° С. To such colds leads and constant presence under a stream of the cold air proceeding from the conditioner.

What is dangerous air conditioning, is and in the air drying in a cooled room. The concentration of oxygen decreases, which negatively affects the general state of our body, the mucous membrane of the nose suffers. In people suffering from dermatosis or eczema, the use of these devices only aggravates the situation.

In addition, the harm from the air conditioner consists in accumulating on its moist and heated heat exchanger various bacteria and fungi (often harmful), particles of dust and fat, carbon deposits.

What to do?

Despite the fact that air conditioners are harmful to health, they should not be abandoned. When following advice, negative effects on your body are minimized:

  1. Set the cooling mode, in which the difference with the temperature outside will not be above 7-10⁰ С.
  2. Try to avoid getting a direct cold air jet from the air conditioner to you and your loved ones. Take this into account when installing the device in your home or office: the air conditioner must not be above your workplace or bed in the bedroom.
  3. Be sure to ventilate the room in which you use the air conditioner for fresh air.
  4. To maintain the optimum level of humidity, get air conditioners with ionization function.
  5. Annually clean your split-system from pollution by dust, grease. To do this, you need to call a special wizard.
  6. If possible, try to be as rarely as possible in the room where the air conditioner works. And at night it should be turned off.

We hope that our article has thoroughly acquainted with the harm caused by the air conditioner, and you will follow all the necessary recommendations to reduce the risks. If you have a baby, it's worth to get acquainted with the information about using the conditioner in the children's room .