Autumn pruning of fruit trees

The goal of any gardener is the cultivation of eco-friendly fruits on his plot. That such work brought not only pleasure, but also gave the result, it is necessary to regularly carry out autumn pruning of fruit trees.

As you know, pruning trees in the garden is carried out in both autumn and spring. But there is a significant difference between them, because during the fall and spring pruning of fruit trees, the goals, methods and timing of the work are significantly different. Let's see what the difference is and whether it is really necessary to saw the garden at this or that time of the year.

What are the types of trimming?

It is generally accepted to distinguish three varieties of these works, and they all fulfill their clearly defined function:

Autumn pruning, both young and old fruit trees includes the first two items - sanitary and thinning pruning. After all, it is very important that in winter the trees go completely decontaminated, that is deprived of all kinds of lesions, which are often found in diseased branches.

Over the summer, the tree grows significantly, which means it is necessary to prepare it for the next season. For this, thinning is carried out, which is aimed at removing the vertical sprout, which will not bear fruit, but will shade the fruit bearing branches.

Rules for pruning fruit trees in autumn

Those who doubt whether it is possible to produce trimming of fruit trees in autumn, you should know that you need to do this at this time of year, but within reasonable limits. Especially neat should be someone who is not yet experienced in such matters, because excessive diligence can damage the tree.

This means that you should not cut as close to the trunk as possible any unnecessary branches, in your opinion. After all, they still can survive living wood, which can lead to damage to the main branch, if you cut it too close to it. This is especially dangerous before the coming frosts and is fraught with the cracking of the main skeletal branch. Let it be better left a small stump 2-3 cm, which can be painlessly removed in the spring.

Pruning the garden is carried out with a sharp pruner or a hand saw that will help when cutting too thick branches. It is inadmissible to break unnecessary shoots by hand, as this can lead to damage to the bark.

It is important that every horticulturist knows and applies in practice the rule - a stump from a branch, in diameter more than 2 centimeters after the cut must be covered with garden vine, or any agent with an antiseptic suitable for this purpose. Otherwise, it can damage the tree when the sap moves in the spring , and in winter it is possible to destroy and deaden the inner layer of wood.

All branches that have been cut off must be burned or taken out of the plot, as well as foliage, after all they can contain pathogenic microorganisms that can damage healthy trees.

When is the autumn pruning carried out?

As a rule, all garden work is usually done after the fall of the foliage and the cessation of sap flow in the branches of trees. Usually, this happens after a significant decrease in the average daily temperature in November-December, but for earlier regions pruning is possible.

These works can be carried out even in the beginning of winter, if the snow cover has not yet blocked access to the garden. Many gardeners regulate their work with the lunar calendar. Pruning is carried out in the last phase of the waning moon, or on the eve of the new moon.