Iron in the body and its role

For the normal operation of internal organs and various body systems, different useful substances are needed, which are mostly due to nutrition. The role of iron in the human body is enormous, because this trace element is important for the process of hematopoiesis, respiration , immunity, etc. This mineral is directly included in the blood and various enzymes.

Iron in the body and its role

With a lack of this substance, serious problems can arise in the body, and first of all it concerns the circulatory system.

Why do I need iron in the human body:

  1. This mineral is part of the structure of various proteins and the most important of them is hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through the body and removes carbon dioxide.
  2. Iron is important for creating an oxygen reserve, which is useful in situations where a person needs to hold his breath for a certain time.
  3. This microelement is involved in protecting internal organs from the negative effects of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Iron in the body is important for the work of the liver and for the destruction of harmful substances.
  5. The substance is important for the normal exchange of cholesterol , the production of DNA, as well as for energy metabolism.
  6. The mineral takes part in the production of thyroid hormones, which are important for the regulation of metabolic processes.
  7. Iron is important for a good skin tone, as well as for the stable functioning of the nervous system.

Why is not iron absorbed in the body?

Deficiency of this substance in the body can arise in the case of changes in the digestive system, for example, it can be gastritis with low acidity or dysbacteriosis. Do not digest iron can, if the exchange of vitamin C is broken or there is a hormonal imbalance. Causes may be more serious, for example, the presence of a tumor, so you should definitely go to the doctor.