Homeopathy Cantaris - indications for use

Kantaris in homeopathy has been used for quite a long time. Its use in the treatment of certain diseases is based on the property of a substance prepared from a grated powdery state of a spanish fly, causing irritation and inflammation of the tissues.

Indications for the use of Cantaris in homeopathy

Before deciphering in which cases Cantaris can be used in treatment, it is necessary to recall the basic principle of homeopathy: like to be treated like that. Since the remedy Cantaris causes an inflammatory process, then its microscopic doses are used in diseases associated with the development of inflammation in the human body.

Indications for the use of Cantaris in homeopathy are:

For your information! Cantaris is applied inside even when treating external diseases.

Dosage of Cantharas in Homeopathy

As already noted above, the basis of the homeopathic preparation Kantaris is insects - the spanish fly. To prepare a remedy, bugs are crushed and diluted with milk sugar. The effect in the use of cantharas can be achieved with the correct selection of the dose of the drug. Competently calculate the dosage can be a specialist homeopath. Most often in therapy, Kantaris is used, starting with the sixth dilution, and in some cases (to avoid exacerbation) even with the twelfth dilution.