Psoriasis - symptoms of ailment in various manifestations

Dermatologists note an increase in the number of people suffering from psoriasis, a non-infectious disease that has a chronic course. The etiology of skin pathology has not been fully understood, but most physicians refer to it as autoimmune diseases, which develop due to an abnormal reaction of the organism to external pathogens.

Stages of psoriasis

Under the influence of inadequate "behavior" of immunity, epidermal cells break down much faster, and the process of tissue renewal slows down. Autonomous parts of the skin become inflamed, forming itchy, scaly, reddish "islets." In time to diagnose and begin treatment of the disease, it is important to be able to recognize the first symptoms of psoriasis.

Psoriasis - the initial stage - the symptoms

Since this disease is characterized by a chronic form of flow, dermatologists identify the main stages of its development:

Each of them manifests itself in the presence of visual segments, which allows the doctor to correctly diagnose the stages of the disease and to prescribe the correct therapy. Treatment is carried out individually for each patient after anamnesis and necessary research. Here's how psoriasis starts: symptoms:

  1. Appearance of papular or pustular components in areas of skin irritation.
  2. Papules or pustules of small size and not brightly colored have a spherical appearance and a glossy surface.
  3. For 3-4 days, the elements of the rash are covered with whitish plates, which easily peel off.
  4. Point formations tend to rapidly increase in size and quantity.
  5. The space between the rashes is hyperemic, which means the development of inflammation.
  6. Any minor damage to the skin of a sick person is characterized by the immediate appearance of psoriatic spots (Kebner's syndrome).

Psoriasis is a progressive stage

The initial symptoms of psoriasis do not always cause noticeable discomfort to the patient. Inattentive attitude to the arising problem leads to the transition of the disease to the next stage - the progressive one. It is characterized by the following features:

  1. Appearance of new vulgar eruptions.
  2. The fusion of small autonomous lesions into a solid spot of bright red color.
  3. The restless itching causes the patient to comb the places of inflammation, which leads to a repeated traumatization of the epidermis and an increase in scales.

Psoriasis - stationary stage

The stationary form of psoriasis is considered the last stage of the development of the disease, the main symptom of which is the completion of the appearance of new segments:

The overgrowth ceases and active exfoliation of the inflamed area begins. The skin becomes thin and pleated, acquiring a pale shade. On the human body, "fanciful" figures appear that resemble a geographical map. The consequence of the manifestation of the disease is a change in the color of the skin in places of irritation (there remain light or dark spots). In the period of remission, they can disappear.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands is the most common form of pathology. Dermatologists note the development of the disease on the upper limbs in more than 85% of all patients. This disease does not bear a direct threat to the life of the patient, but causes emotional lability with the subsequent development of mental complexes. It should be remembered that psoriasis on the hands is not contagious and is not transmitted by contact.

The inflammatory process can begin spontaneously and on any part of the arm. Symptoms of the disease manifest as single reddish spots on the palms or between the fingers. Very rarely the reverse side of the hand is affected. In all cases, the sensitivity of the skin is disturbed, which provokes considerable discomfort when performing simple actions.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance on the wrist and forearm, especially on the elbows, of small rashes. Above, they are covered with whitish plates, which easily peel off. When combing the itching surface, the number of necrotic epithelial cells increases. If you remove them, you can see the papule covered with psoriatic film. The disease progresses by the appearance of new nodules that are different in size. Merging together, they form large spots, covered with a layer of husks.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the legs

Psoriasis on the legs is more often diagnosed in patients with impaired functioning of the nervous and endocrine system. The disease affects the skin above the knees, thighs, shin and feet soles. The presence of symptoms characterizes each stage of the development of the disease separately. Local manifestations include the following:

Depending on the duration of the disease, the papules grow, cover with husks, form vast shiny reddish zones. After the treatment, pigmented spots may remain. The danger of this ailment consists in the possibility of its complication with the subsequent development of pathology in the joints: psoriatic arthritis manifests itself.

Psoriasis of the nails - symptoms

Psoriasis of the nails on the hands or feet may be a complication of the underlying disease of the upper or lower extremities. In some cases, the pathology acts as a separate autonomic lesion of the nail plates. They change externally, lose their usual color, are lined with small spots and longitudinal scars. There are several separate forms of nail psoriasis:

Virtually all forms of this ailment lead to deformation and / or detachment of the nail plate. It can thicken and get the wrong shape. During the detachment around the nail appears an uneven edge of a yellowish hue. With psoriatic paronychia, the inflammation process affects the entire finger. Therapy is long and difficult. The periods of remission are followed by periods of relapse.

Psoriasis of the head - symptoms

Psoriasis of the scalp often serves as the first "alarm" for the development of the pathological process in different parts of the body. As in previous cases, the main sign of the onset of the disease are rashes that do not give the patient a palpable discomfort. Progression of inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms of psoriasis of the scalp:

Psoriasis on the face - symptoms

The place of localization of the inflammatory process is very rarely a person. This manifestation of pathology is atypical, but still diagnosed. The clinical picture of the ailment differs little from the manifestation of the general symptoms of skin psoriasis in other parts of the body. The initial stage is characterized by the formation of an inflamed zone of small size. A small speck, which many perceive as an allergic reaction of the body, grows quickly enough in size.

The period of active rash occurs in a few days. Dense pale pink hillocks are covered with scales. The main zones of manifestation of pathology are eyebrows, eyelids, nasolabial folds. The subsequent course of the disease follows the classical pattern:

Psoriasis on the body - symptoms

Psoriasis on the body is rarely diagnosed, but it is attributed to the most unpleasant form of the disease. In this case, the inflammatory process affects most of the skin on the human body. Dermatologists call it " scaly lichen ", which is difficult to treat and negatively affects the emotional state of patients. Psoriatic rashes all over the body, covered with scales and causing severe itching, give rise to severe irritation and traumatization of the epithelium. This greatly complicates the course of the disease itself.

Combing papules can cause infection with infection and the appearance of wounds and abscesses. Large spots (plaques) on the abdomen can cause a local increase in temperature, redness of the skin and severe scabies. When the outer layer of the papule exfoliates, bleeding occurs. The affected area causes pain. The disease spreads simultaneously throughout the body and is referred to as a systemic or generalized type of psoriasis.

Psoriasis of the joints - symptoms

Physicians refer the disease to the most dangerous complication of psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis begins, its symptoms are somewhat similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis. In both cases joints are affected. After the final stage of classic psoriasis of the hands or feet, the joints of the limbs swell, swell and bring unpleasant pain sensations. In the pathological process, either one joint or several may be involved. The disease can develop for more than one month and always has a chronic form.