How to gargle with myramistin?

In the composition of this medicine there is a special substance of the same name - miramistin. Thanks to him, the drug regenerates damaged tissue and heals wounds. This antiseptic is used in the treatment of all kinds of diseases, including ENT diseases. So, it's important to know how to gargle with Miramistin.

What is the peculiarity of Miramistin?

With the outbreak of respiratory diseases, this medication can be used as a protective agent. Also, this drug can treat the throat after contact with those who get sick. This will minimize the chance of catching the disease.

This drug perfectly fights with the general symptoms of ENT diseases:

However, this drug should be used as an additional remedy for complex therapy. Full-fledged antibiotics Miramistin really can not replace.

The advantages of this medication include the following features:

How to properly rinse my throat with miramistin?

When healing angina, it is important to know how to properly rinse your throat with Miramistin. This procedure is as follows:

  1. It is slightly necessary to tip your head back. Thanks to this, the medicine, after washing the throat infected with pathogenic bacteria, will not leak into the nasal cavity. And this means that the infection will not spread further.
  2. When rinsing, the patient should try to make the sound "s". At this point in time, the tongue will lower, the problem areas will be opened and it will be easier to process them.
  3. After rinsing, the liquid should be spit. It can not be swallowed!
  4. In no case should you eat and drink anything for half an hour after rinsing your throat. Otherwise, the therapeutic film will simply wash away and there will be no benefit from the procedure.
  5. To accelerate the recovery of rinsing Miramistin should alternate with rinsing with folk remedies. Suitable for this purpose are herbal infusions, saline or soda solutions.

How correctly to plant Miramistin for a gargle of a throat?

To rinse the throat with miramistin, the drug should be diluted: the proportions depend on the patient's age. In the treatment of adolescents and adults, the optimal solution for rinsing is a solution prepared from 2-3 teaspoons of medicament and a glass of boiled water cooled to room temperature. At the same time, a 0.01% Miramistin solution should be used (in this form it is sold).

After the patient begins to gargle with Myramistin's solution, the relief of the condition is noted already on the 2nd (as a last resort, the 3rd) day. The recommended duration of therapeutic procedures is 7 days.

As an alternative to rinsing, throat irrigation can be used. Such a procedure is carried out with undiluted 0.01% Miramistin solution. For its implementation a special nozzle is used (it can be purchased at the pharmacy together with the medicinal product). The number of pshi depends on the age of the patient and the degree of throat damage (from 1 to 4 clicks). The frequency of such procedures should not exceed 4 times a day.

Disenchanting his last doubts about whether Miramistin can rinse his throat, patients can safely use this medication when treating the throat. If you follow the steps outlined in the instructions clearly, the side effects will be minimized and recovery will occur faster.