Melanoma of the skin

"The sun, air and water are our best friends!" - that was the motto of the summer holiday in the near 20th century. It is really difficult to refute this postulate. Bathing in open water, outdoor outdoor games, hiking in nature - all this is really capable of strengthening our health. But then the question arises, where does the melanoma skin cancer from which doctors of all countries so loudly scream in recent years come from? Let's deal with this.

Where does melanoma from the skin come from?

Since then, as in our life from the easy filing of show business stars the fashion for a tanned body has entered, the column of statistics of those who fell ill with this very dangerous ailment has gone up. And, if only a couple of decades ago, melanoma was affected only by people who crossed the 50-year age threshold, now even melanoma sufferers can be met even by women from 23-25 ​​years of age. What contributes to such rejuvenation of the disease, who is at risk, and from what does skin melanoma in general originate?

The thing is that, trying to follow fashion and imitating your favorite idols, young people of both sexes, especially girls, do not spare their stomachs, fry in the summer on the beaches, and in the winter in solariums . Under the onslaught of such an excess of ultraviolet unhappy skin cells do not stand up and begin to malign.

First of all, in the risk group, of course, people (men and women) should be recorded for 50, with a tendency to form birthmarks and pigment spots. Then those who do not have any changes on the skin, but in their family there were cases of melanoma from close relatives. And finally, among the potential patients of dermatologists and oncologists there are people with milky white, easily burning skin, red or light blond hair, blue, gray and green eyes. All of the above listed groups should think carefully, but do they really need this notorious tan?

Types of Melanoma Skin

By the way, the foci of melanoma can be found not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membrane and even in the thickness of internal organs. Although the latter rather refers to the very neglected stages. In general, the classification of this disease is divided into 4 main forms:

  1. Non-pigmentary melanoma . It is also called amelanotic. It develops on any, even with a kind healthy section of the skin. It looks like an insect bite, that is, a pink swollen bump, just an asymmetrical shape. Development of pigmentary melanoma occurs only in 7% of cases of the total number of cases.
  2. Nodal melanoma . This is the most unfavorable, in the opinion of physicians, the type of illness that occurs in 15% of cases of both sexes. In this case, the tumor sprouts deep into the tissues, both the skin and the mucous membranes. In severe cases, even muscles and ligaments are affected.
  3. Malignant melanoma . In another way, malignant lentigo is called. As a rule, it affects the skin on open areas, face, hands and neck. Of the total number of cases, this form accounts for about 10%, with elderly people being ill.
  4. Subungil melanoma . The name speaks for itself. In the process, the skin of the fingertips and palms is involved, develops extremely rapidly, occurs in 10% of cases.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Skin Melanoma

  1. Any manifestation of pigmentary melanoma is characterized by its asymmetry. If you draw a straight line through the middle of the spot, then its halves will be completely different.
  2. The development of the disease, as a rule, begins with the existing moles, birthmarks or freckles . And, if they are in places of greatest friction, in the groin or underarms, the risk increases at times.
  3. Pigmented places have a heterogeneous color. In one spot, pink, red, brown and even black colors can be combined, chaotically changing into each other.
  4. There are no hair on the foci of melanoma, and the foci themselves gradually grow, starting from the diameter of the ball point pen and reaching very large areas. On 100% diagnose the disease can only be a method of biopsy and a comprehensive examination of the whole body within the hospital establishment.

Treatment of skin melanoma

Treatment of melanoma skin cancer is only one thing - surgery, because it is a malignant tumor, which should be disposed of already at the earliest stages.

Removal of melanoma is done with a 3-5 cm line of healthy tissue around it, in order to avoid getting residual tumor cells into healthy skin cells. Often prior to removal, preoperative radiotherapy is performed. It heals all ulcers and wounds formed around the hearth.

Immunotherapy with melanoma is ineffective, as it gives more serious side effects, rather than helps to cure the ailment. When seeking medical help at an early stage, melanoma is completely cured. Although, if you use sunscreen and use the gifts of nature with the mind, then you will not have to be treated.