Regressive Hypnosis

Regressive hypnosis is a special technique in which a person immersed in a hypnotic trance can immerse himself in the experience of his past lives (or, at least, he thinks so). This technique is used in psychotherapy, as one of the medical practices that allow people to improve their health. In parapsychology, specialists use this technique to prove the existence of reincarnation , or the possibility of reincarnation of the soul.

Technique of regressive hypnosis

The technique of such hypnosis requires the preliminary preparation of a hypnotist, since it does not quite fit within the framework of the usual technique. After immersing the client in a trance, he is asked questions that help to orientate, discover and realize the fact of immersion in a past life. It is known that many people in this state easily describe their life in a past life. However, they also talk about future lives, so it's hard to talk about the reliability of information.

There is a large number of critics of the method of regressive hypnosis, confident that "past lives" are the product of the imagination or suggestion of the hypnologist himself. Official medicine rejects the possibility of preserving in memory the facts about past lives, as, indeed, reincarnation, as such.

Treatment with regressive hypnosis

There is a group of psychotherapists who are sure: human problems have roots in a past life. In order to overcome the unpleasant state, the client is injected into a trance, immersed in the experience of the previous life and forces him to go through all the experiences again - now with the goal of letting them go, relieve tension.

Hypnologists, who offer this method, participate as a conductor, which allows to ensure the safety of the process. Specialists of this sphere say that with the help of this method one can overcome such serious problems:

However, official medicine looks at this technique skeptical, without considering it justified. Experts even proved that patients are ready to "remember" events that never happened. In addition, the very method, which makes a person suffer and experience past failures, is considered inhumane.

Nowadays, the technique is used as a means of personal growth in esoteric training (for example, "Regressive Hypnosis: Life Between Lives" you can see in the video). By the way, training in regressive hypnosis is possible at similar seminars or meetings. In addition, the technique is also relevant for research on reincarnation, which is inherent in the notions of Buddhism, Theosophy, Spiritualism , Hinduism, Anthroposophy, New Age and others.

Is regressive hypnosis safe?

Those therapists who practice regression believe that this technique is absolutely safe. However, official medicine with its characteristic skepticism suggests that this kind of experience can be dangerous for mentally unstable and impressionable people.

Currently known as cases where such experience has helped a person, and sessions that have caused mental harm. In some countries, for example, in Israel, this technique is officially banned, and it can not be used by hypnologists. That is why, before deciding on this, you should weigh all the pros and cons.