Plum ternovka - benefit and harm

Plum thorn - this blue-black berry, common in many latitudes, has a characteristic astringent taste and a lot of medicinal properties. Its fruits hang on the branches until the frosts, so they can be used to saturate the body with vitamins, when the season of fruits and vegetables has already passed. The benefits and harms of plum thorns - in this article.

Composition and benefits of the plum ternovki

Vitamins C , E, A, group B, minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, as well as essential oils, nitrogenous compounds, tannins, are present in the fruit of this shrub, which is also called goat berry, prickly plum and thistle, , phytoncides, organic acids, pectins, etc. In different concentrations they are contained both in the berries themselves, and other parts of this shrub - flowers, roots, branches, bark. The fruits have an anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying, disinfecting and diuretic effect on the body. Tannins, which cause astringent taste, have a binding effect on the stool and eliminate diarrhea.

For those who are interested in how useful the fritter is, it is worth noting that it fights well with nausea attacks, which can be appreciated by pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. If you do not have a traditional antiseptic handy at hand, in this capacity you can use the mashed fruits, which will disinfect the wound and speed up the process of its tightening. Fit on the fruit is recommended for various diseases of the oral cavity and just to eliminate the unpleasant odor, and the broths and infusions of leaves and shoots can be used for rinsing.

They also cleanse the blood and liver well, and it's just necessary to do it with various diseases, for example, oncological diseases and skin lesions - furunculosis, erysipelas, etc. Decoction of the roots is used for syringing in therapy with leucorrhoea, and the young twigs act in the same way as raspberry - that is, remove the heat.

Harm to goat berry

The benefits of the plum of the thistle have already been said, but it can also cause harm, especially its core. The fact is that in the bones of these fruits contains the poisonous substance amygdalin, which can cause poisoning, so they should not be eaten. In addition, berries are not recommended for people with ulcers and gastritis accompanied by high acidity of the stomach, and they are also able to color the tongue and teeth in black and blue and this should be remembered when going to an important meeting.