Oat flakes are good and bad

Oatmeal is a flattened grain of oats. Oatmeal is a common, healthy and nutritious dish. In addition, many women consume oatmeal in the morning for weight loss.

Composition of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains protein compounds, fiber, fats and carbohydrates. All these components are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, the composition of oat flakes includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, as well as A, K and PP. The benefit of this product is due to the presence of mineral substances in it - iron and magnesium, iodine and fluorine, nickel, phosphorus , sulfur, manganese, potassium and calcium. Also, the nutritional value of oat flakes is high, due to the organic acids included in their composition - erucic, malonic, oxalic, pantothenic, nicotinic, niacin and pyroxine.

Benefits of oatmeal

With regular use of oatmeal in the morning, the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness will disappear. This breakfast can energize for the whole day, increase vitality and mood. Before you think about the usefulness of oat flakes, it is important to know about the indications for including this dish in the diet.

Oatmeal is useful in the disturbed metabolism, constipation, colitis, indigestion of food and bloating. No less useful is this dish for allergic reactions and dermatitis, as well as problems with the musculoskeletal system. In addition, oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, nails and skin.

An irreplaceable porridge of oatmeal is for people suffering from diseases of blood vessels, blood and heart, thyroid, liver and kidneys. Oatmeal helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, improve immunity and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Harm to oatmeal

Oat flakes bring not only good, but also harm. Refuse their use necessary for people who are diagnosed with gluten enteropathy or otherwise - celiac disease. With this disease, the body can not fully process the substances that are present in the cereals.

Do not benefit from oatmeal if you use it too often, as this can lead to the excretion of calcium from the body, and as a result - deformation of bones and osteoporosis.

Selection of oat flakes

Arguing about which oatmeal flakes are the most useful, it is important to know that any porridge, oatmeal including, will retain useful properties in full only if the dish is prepared from whole grains. Preparation of such porridge takes a lot of time - at least 40 minutes. Pre-washed grain whole or crushed, you need to fall asleep in already boiling water or milk. In addition, during cooking, the dish requires close attention - it must be constantly stirred.

For convenience, the producers have created oat flakes, from which the porridge is prepared much faster than from whole grains. The cooking of oat flakes takes about 10 minutes. Flakes also need to be rinsed and poured into boiling water or milk. And, for the first 5 minutes the porridge should be boiled on high heat, after which you reduce the fire to boil the porridge for another 5 minutes. Then it is recommended to let it brew dish under a tightly closed lid for a few more minutes. You can serve porridge to the table by adding berries, fruits, jam , honey, nuts, or simply season with butter and sugar.

There is a sort of oat flakes of instant cooking, the benefit and harm of which causes a lot of doubts among the experts. Such flakes simply pour boiling water or hot milk and allow to infuse for 3-5 minutes.

In the selection of oatmeal, the main criterion is the freshness of the product, so when purchasing, you must always carefully look at the release date.