Preparations of hondoprotectors

Hondoprotective in Greek means "protecting cartilage." These drugs include substances that contribute to the restoration of connective tissue, usually - glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

Choosing hondoprotectors

Chondoprotectors are available in the form of tablets, solutions and ointments. In addition, they are both officially recognized medications, as well as cheaper and more common dietary supplements. In medicines, the content of active substances is several times higher than in dietary supplements, but they are much more expensive. Hondoprotectors of the new generation contain additional auxiliary substances, for better assimilation of the drug and increasing its effectiveness in the restoration of cartilaginous tissue.

Some doctors claim that hondoprotectors in the form of monopreparations (only one kind of active substance) is better than combined (several active substances in the composition). Others on the contrary insist on greater benefits of combined. Nevertheless, monopreparations and combined hondoprotectors are effective in combating arthrosis.

Various dietary supplements can also contain several active substances, for example, chondroitin and glucosamine. Choosing hondoprotectors best after consulting a doctor and determine how badly you need them, i.e. whether they need you for treatment or for prophylaxis.

Injections of the hondoprotector

The best assimilation by the organism of the hondoprotector is observed with intramuscular injection of the drug, than when taking tablets or using ointments. In addition, special chondoprotectors are sold in ampoules for insertion directly into the knee joint. Such a procedure can only be done by medical specialists.

Hondoprotectors for athletes

Athletes are more likely to suffer injuries to joints and ligaments, due to increased loads, as well as their improper distribution. To keep the joints mobile, for faster recovery after trauma, they need drugs that feed the cartilage tissue and stimulate its growth.

Unlike conventional anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed to athletes with inflammation of the joints, the positive effect of the chondoprotectors comes after several weeks of their constant use, but it lasts much longer, because not only removes inflammation, but restores damaged tissue.

Athletes are encouraged to regularly use biologically active supplements containing chondoprotectors, and in case of injuries, start taking medications.

Contraindications and side effects of chondoprotectors

This type of drugs has virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Nevertheless, one should be cautious of diabetic diabetes mellitus. It must also be remembered that hondoprotectors are effective only at the beginning of joint destruction if the cartilaginous tissue is practically erased, then stimulant substances can not restore it.

Additional use of hondoprotectors

Glucosamine is part of a polysaccharide such as chitosan, which helps to reduce body weight, accelerate wound healing, resorption of scarring. In addition to prevention of osteoarthritis, this most common hondoprotector also improves blood circulation and facilitates the condition in inflammatory processes in the intestine. It promotes the production of collagen, improving the elasticity and general condition of the skin, also has a general strengthening effect on the musculoskeletal system.