Fruity gladiolus acidiator - features of care and cultivation

Decorate your site and the windowsill in the house will help the fragrant gladiolus acidider, which has several varieties with different characteristics. There are a number of features related to growing outdoors and at home. It is important to know about the rules of wintering plants.

Fragrant gladiolus - herbaceous plants for open ground

A perennial plant native to Africa lives in nature on rocky slopes. He has a tall flower spike with two xiphoid leaves with sharp tips. Planting of fragrant gladiolus acidiators and care must take into account that the root system of them is small, and it is covered with a shell in the form of a mesh. Inflorescences in the form of a spikelet produce up to 10 flowers, the beauty of which can be enjoyed from August to September. Fragrant gladiolus has a pleasant sweetish aroma. Autumn in the place of flowers are formed seed boxes.

Acidantera - species and varieties

In nature, there is a huge number of species of acidiater, and the most popular variants include:

  1. White. Gladiolus has a straight sturdy stem, which grows pure white buds that have a bright aroma.
  2. Tropical. In height, the flower reaches up to 130 cm, and their inflorescences are bilateral. The tropical athlete in landscape design will become a bright decoration, as her white petals have crimson smears.
  3. Fourcade. The stem of this gladiolus is thin and low, and the buds are purple-pink in color. The variety is used for breeding.
  4. The Cape. This species has beautiful white flowers with veins of red-lilac color.
  5. Two-color. The most common variety, which is very fragrant. Flowers are located on long pedicels, collected in inflorescences.

Atsidantera - growing and care in the open ground

You can not call a fragrant gladiolus a demanding plant, but there are certain recommendations concerning care:

  1. Temperature. Good development can be achieved when the air temperature has an average of + 17-23 ° C. Culture does not tolerate frosts, as it freezes.
  2. Lighting. Planting fragrant gladiolus and caring for it should be carried out on sunny areas, because in the shade the bloom will not be so abundant and bright.
  3. Watering. Regular watering and moistening are important for the plant twice a week. If the summer is too hot, and the soil dries out drastically, then the irrigation frequency can be increased. It is important not to allow stagnation of water, so that the bulbs do not rot.
  4. Top dressing. For fragrant gladiolus, acidiants need frequent feeding, especially during flowering and active growth. Use mineral supplements for flowering crops. They are brought twice a week, and organic fertilizers are also useful.
  5. Reproduction. The flower can reproduce by children, seeds and corms. It is better to sow seeds in a greenhouse in winter, and in a few days it will be possible to see the first shoots. When they grow up, they spend a pick , and then transplanted into the open ground.
  6. Diseases and pests. Fragrant gladiolus acidider is affected by rot, which is indicated by large stains. To avoid this problem, before planting the bulbs should be treated with fungicidal agents. Attack on the flower can snails and thrips , and they need to fight with special means.

How to prepare an athlete for a landing?

Pre-planting in the pots helps prepare fragrant gladiolus for transplanting into the open ground. Cultivation of bulbs acididere is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. Take small pots, 13-15 cm in diameter. Add a substrate in them, for example, you can use a primer designed for orchids.
  2. Bulbs placed at a depth of 3-4 cm, and sprinkle on top of the soil. In one container there should not be more than three bulbs.
  3. Put the tanks in a well-lit place and watch the soil wet. In April, when it is already warm, the pots are carried to the loggia or to the greenhouse for hardening.

How and when to plant azidanteru?

After frosts are no longer terrible, it is in most cases - May, you can transfer plants to the open ground. To do this, follow this pattern:

  1. Plant acidancy bulbs in a well-lit place or a partial shade. Fragrant gladiolus can grow on any soil.
  2. Wells should be 8-12 cm deep, so it's important to focus on the size of a particular seedling. Between plants should be a distance of at least 12 cm, but for large bulbs you need to retreat more.
  3. First, moisten the seat and pour some river sand into the holes. In them, spread the bulbs and sprinkle with the earth, and then spend abundant watering.

Atsidantera - when to excavate and how to store?

After the onset of frosts before frost, the tubers should be excavated along with the leaves. To store the athletes in the winter, carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Cut the stem so that it remains about 2 cm. With the tubers, remove the ground and roots, and then separate the babies.
  2. Leave the tubers in a warm place for a month, so that the temperature is about 20 ° C. After gently remove the scales, the remains of roots and leaves.
  3. Each bulb wrapped in a paper napkin and send them to a paper bag, which should have ventilation holes. Keep it in a dry and warm place, where the temperature does not fall below 15 ° C. When the time comes for them to be planted again, they will need to be transferred to a warm place for two weeks beforehand, where the temperature is about 22 ° C.

Atsidantera - wintering in the ground

In autumn it is necessary to take care of the plant, so that next year it would also be happy with its flowering and aroma. Inexperienced gardeners are wondering whether it is necessary to excavate the acidander for the winter, and so, this is not done only if there is no severe frost in winter. Plants are cut, leaving only a few centimeters of the stem, and then cover the mulch from foliage or straw. If the winters are cold, then be sure to dig out the bulbs and keep them warm.

Acidantera - planting and care at home

A beautiful and fragrant flower can become an ornament of the interior, as it is easy to grow at home. The peculiarities of growing acididers and care at home are similar to the rules described for planting in the open ground. The main thing is to choose the right soil and place for the pot, and then watering and feeding. Thanks to simple manipulations, the fragrant gladiolus of the acidifier will please its flowering.

Planting acidators in spring in a pot

If you plan to grow the plant at home, then consider these features:

  1. The container in which the fragrant gladiolus of the acidifier will be planted should have a diameter of 12-15 cm.
  2. Preliminary, it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture, mixing two parts of leaf land and humus, and also add on the part of turf and large sand. The acidifier in the pot must be planted using a drainage layer.
  3. Bulbs should be put to a depth of 4-5 cm. One pot should have 3-4 pieces, otherwise you should not expect a lush bloom.

How to care for the flower of azidantera?

There are several features that should be considered when growing fragrant gladiolus at home:

  1. A pot with a flower is recommended to be placed on the east or west window, and on the south side it is important to have a shade.
  2. Gladiolus needs an average humidity of 55-60%. Spraying is not recommended. When the air is too dry or wet, the leaves begin to wilt, and the flowers - fall off.
  3. After acidante, care includes watering, which is carried out when the top layer dries. It is important that there is a drainage layer in the pot.
  4. When growing a gladiolus in a pot, a transplant is performed every year.
  5. During the growing season every week, you need to make fertilizing using a mineral complex, for example, "Kemir" or " Agricola ".