The fighting spirit - how to raise and strengthen morale?

In military psychology, fighting spirit plays a very important role. He is pre-formed in each person for a quality attitude to the result. Many eastern countries practice its increase on a mandatory basis and this has a noticeable effect on the result of hostilities.

What is morale?

It is believed that fighting spirit is the basic concept that forms the moral and physical training of a serviceman, including all hardships and hardships during the period of service. The following methods are used to achieve the goal:

If the morale in the military unit went down, then this problem will affect even the highest ranks. The right mindset gives you the strength to move on and not give up, while pursuing your personal goals. Correctly formed psyche helps to organize yourself and the team, correctly conduct the first actions and develop a strategy, but the result of the confrontations will depend on the skills.

The problem of morale

Proper support of morale has an impact not only in military conditions. Morally strong people develop better in their careers, family relations are developing well and in general, their implementation in the society is excellent. If the fighting spirit of a person is unstable and there are problems with it, the result can be:

How to increase morale?

It is worth remembering that the morale of life has the property of constantly falling. This is affected by many factors, such as:

Knowing how to raise morale, a person can independently control his state. The first thing to do is to identify the cause that affects the internal state. Typically, this event, which happened recently, but jammed on himself the entire attention of the opponent. Experts advise to return to the problem and once again try to get rid of the cargo, until it has not yet fully tightened.

How to raise the morale of employees?

Many employers have faced the problem of raising morale among their employees. Often, these problems arise after long holidays, unsuccessful transactions or wage delays. The main thing in this issue is the motivation that every employer should provide.

  1. Material reward for a well done job.
  2. Provision of days off when working in overtime.
  3. Promotion of successful staff.

The main thing is to adjust the morale so that the work brings a collective result. If only one out of a hundred people works well, then no matter how much you pay him bonuses, there will be no changes in business. You can achieve a common approach with frequent joint meetings and discussion of problems with each employee, including him in the work and tuning to the result. The time will show itself in a few days and the efficiency of the work will increase.

How to strengthen morale?

Psychologists share the strengthening of fighting spirit in three main steps, after which it is practically impossible to break a person. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not to leave the set goal .

  1. Get rid of your fears, both internal and external. They project in the head a lot of situations that are not even destined to happen, but a constant panic kills a person's self-esteem.
  2. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Constant experiences about their unhappy fate easily cross out the normal future.
  3. Completely let go and forget the bad events of a past life. Heavy grievances against himself and the environment will be pulled back, closing the way to a happy future.