Children's attention deficit

The syndrome of attention deficit in children or ADD is increasingly diagnosed in recent years. According to recent studies, the manifestations of ADD are observed in 20% of preschoolers and children of primary school age.

Most parents associate attention deficit in children with restlessness, increased activity, disobedience. Meanwhile, SDV can manifest itself in another way: in excessive thoughtfulness, forgetfulness, "detachment."

Thus, completely different, different from each other children can experience the unpleasant consequences of absent-mindedness. It is important to remember that the scattered attention syndrome does not directly affect the child's mental abilities or his intelligence. Timely and adequate correction will allow the child to successfully cope with the manifestations of the syndrome and to fully realize their abilities, to become organized, attentive and successful.

The main signs of attention deficit in children:

  1. Inattention, difficulty concentrating. A child with distracted attention often has difficulties with the perception of information by ear (especially details), it is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time. Such children are forgetful, often unorganized, lose things or forget about their duties, assignments, requests, etc .;
  2. Impulsivity is another sign of the syndrome of distracted attention in children. Often it is difficult for such children to wait their turn, they do not tolerate disappointments, they are very nervous in case of failure (for example, defeat in the game);
  3. In the case when the syndrome of diffuse attention in children is accompanied by hyperactivity, serious difficulties with learning and communication can arise. Such children are constantly on the move - running around, jumping, teasing something in their hands. They are almost impossible to force calmly, sit evenly when performing, for example, homework. A child with scattered attention speaks a lot, while often interrupting others, whether peers or adults.

Deficiency in children: treatment

Only specialists can diagnose the syndrome of distracted attention in children. After all, it is often difficult to distinguish between children's immediacy and activity from manifestations of ADD. In the case of diagnosing distracted attention in children, treatment may include the use of special exercises and trainings to correct behavior, and in more serious cases is supplemented by the use of medications.

It is important to remember that the use of medication is strictly prohibited (without medical appointment and observation).

To help the child socialize and learn to control themselves, a behavioral correction is applied. With the help of special exercises and trainings (most often in the form of a game), the child learns new behavioral models that, in certain situations, can operate on the basis of the learned principle, instead of following a minute attraction.

As a result of behavioral correction, hyperactive children with attention deficit learn to control themselves, to act more consciously, they have an increased ability to learn.