Premature outflow of amniotic fluid

Some pregnant women face such a phenomenon as premature passage of amniotic fluid. This means that the waters are gone, and there are no contractions and the cervix is ​​not yet ready for childbirth. This phenomenon is found among women in childbirth relatively often - with full term pregnancy at 12-15%, and with a premature birth - as much as 30-50%.

Causes of premature discharge of amniotic fluid

Why the prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid happens is for certain unknown. However, among the provoking factors, the emotional state and mood of the pregnant woman, the narrow pelvis of the pregnant woman , and the pelvic presentation of the fetus are called.

Provoking a premature outflow of amniotic fluid can be a pronounced extension of the fetal head, when a significant amount of amniotic fluid moves to the lower parts of the fetal bladder, which does not withstand tension and breaks.

Also, among the provoking factors - inflammatory and dystrophic phenomena in the membranes and their insufficient elasticity.

Complications of premature discharge of water

Sometimes this phenomenon becomes the cause of weak labor activity, protracted and complicated course of labor, oxygen starvation of the child, intracranial trauma and inflammatory processes of the membranes and the uterus itself.

Early discharge of amniotic fluid - what to do?

If you have an early discharge of amniotic fluid, you need hospitalization. Probably, soon after that your labor will begin and everything will end naturally and safely.

But in a number of cases, for example, when contractions do not appear 8-10 hours after the water has drained off, one has to resort to artificial stimulation simultaneously with the preparation of the cervix for delivery . The long absence of amniotic fluid threatens the penetration of infections, as well as hypoxia of the fetus.