Chops - recipe

One of the easiest to prepare and yet the most delicious dishes - chops from meat , the recipe can vary depending on the grade and quality of the meat, additional ingredients that you decide to include in the dish. It can be vegetables, eggs, cheese and so on. And yet, gourmets believe that the most delicious chop is just a slice of quality meat from an unattached animal, well repulsed, perhaps slightly seasoned with black pepper (or a mixture of peppers) and fried.

First, let's give some general advice, if you follow them, the chops will soon become your crown dish - the recipe will be asked all the time.

Choose the right meat

Not all meat is suitable for chops. If you cook from poultry (chicken, turkey), take the breast. Pork chops are fried from pieces cut from a scapula or a leg of an animal. You can also cook pork chops from the neck, the recipe will not change. Of the beef, chops are cooked very rarely - the meat turns dry, meat will have to be lightly smoothed out, or choose veal. From this meat it is possible to prepare juicy and tender chops.

Correctly beat off

Some try harder to break the fibers, so that the chops turned out to be soft, but this is a mistake: the resulting fragmented piece of meat will necessarily burn or creep before frying. To prepare the meat, wash it in cold water, carefully dry with a napkin, slice it (mandatory condition - across the fibers), then arm yourself with a spoon or knife. No hammers! With a spoon rib or an incisal edge of the knife, begin to beat the meat plates, as if applying a mesh. Lightly adhere, and you can fry.

To begin with, we give the simplest version. So you can cook pork or chicken chops , the recipe is the same, the only difference is that pork chops need to be cooked a little longer.

Cooking chops



We cut meat plates with a thickness of no more than a finger of an adult male (preferably a little thinner), put on a cutting board, pre-woven with polyethylene and begin to beat accurately. Prisalivaem, then, leaving for a moment meat, warm up the pan and melt the fat. We put the meat slices and fry on the maximum fire from both sides. Should turn out a crust of golden color, which, as it were, will seal the juices inside and prevent the meat from drying. Cover the frying pan with a lid, reduce the heat and cook the chicken chops for another 10 minutes, and the pork chops for 15 minutes. Put the napkins on a napkin or grill to remove excess fat, then spread it on a dish, decorate with greens, in summer with fresh vegetables, and in winter - pickled. Chop from turkey is prepared the same way, the recipe is universal.

If you can not cook meat juicy enough, we advise you to fry chops in batter, the recipe of which is also simple.

The secret of success is the right batter


Klyar (option 1):

Klyar (option 2):


Preparing the meat, slightly salted. We beat the batter in any of the options. In the first case, a dense egg crust will turn out, in the second case it will be easier, airy, tender. Fry the chops you need in hot oil - waiting for the appearance of a light haze over the frying pan. We dip the meat in the batter and quickly cook it on both sides, so that the crust grasps, then we languish under the lid until ready.

In recent years, the recipe for a very interesting dish is gaining popularity - the chop in French. This masterpiece is prepared quite simply, the dish turns out to be full, but the secret is simple: hot chops are simply sprinkled with grated cheese.