Can I eat potatoes while losing weight?

Potatoes are the most popular vegetable, from which a variety of dishes are prepared. People who watch their weight, are interested in whether it is possible to eat potatoes on a diet or it is still a forbidden product. As for this topic, there are different opinions, so let's look at it in more detail.

Can I eat potatoes while losing weight?

Many people exclude this root from their diet , considering it to be caloric. In addition, the composition of this vegetable includes a lot of starch, which is the enemy of a slender figure. In fact, the energy value of potatoes is low, so there are 79 calories per 100 g. In addition, the composition of the vegetable includes fiber, which allows you to clean the digestive tract from the products of decay. Talking about whether you can lose weight on potatoes, it is worth noting that this product is not fat, but there is a vegetable protein.

Of course, because of the addition of various store sauces to the vegetable, its calorie content increases, and accordingly the benefits decrease. The best supplement to potatoes are vegetables or nonfat fish. Do not combine it with meat and bread. It is recommended to fill root vegetables with olive oil, in which it is possible to add different spices to taste.

Another relevant topic - is it possible to eat boiled potatoes on a diet. The most harmful way to cook this vegetable is frying. Boiled potatoes are more useful, but the best option is baking, and do it best, together with the skin. If you want to cook a vegetable, then dip it into boiling water, not into cold water. There is advice for those who like mashed potatoes, cook it with the addition of various vegetables, for example, parsnips, pumpkins, etc. Choose for cooking young potatoes , because in old roots there is a lot of starch.

If you are interested in the question of whether you can get fat from a potato, then the answer will be yes if you do not follow the recommendations given above and there are dishes from this vegetable more than three times a week.