
How amazing that a landmark can be not only monuments of architecture or objects of natural properties, but also quaint landscapes, water areas and roads. For example, in Norway the favorite place for cyclists is Rallarvegen.

What is Rallarwegen?

Rallarwegen is the name of a section of the road (82 km), which in 1904 was used for the construction of a railroad connecting Norway's capital Oslo and the city of Bergen . It brought materials and workers, and after the construction was completed - serviced the constructed railway track.

Geographically, the road connects Flåm and Hoegastøl, passing through Myrdal and Fins. It was laid through the mountain tundra at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level. About a third of the route is laid along a deserted territory.

Rallarvegen bears its name in honor of the railway builders - rallar - and translates as "road diggers". Do not decline this name and confuse it with miners.

The auxiliary road, as well as the railway, has been abandoned for a long time since 1909. It could be used only 3-4 months a year, and at other times it all depended on how quickly the railroad keepers cleaned it of snow manually. Therefore, as soon as there was an alternative to movement, the road was closed.

What is remarkable about the Rallarvegen road?

Today the Road of excavators is very popular among fans of bicycle riding. According to statistics, every year from July to September more than 20,000 tourists pass this way. And it's not just that it's easy to get to the designated stations by rail. The quality of the canvas is in good condition, and throughout the walk will be replaced by interesting landscapes and landscapes.

Rallarvegen is the most popular and beautiful bike route in Norway. The first cyclist traveled here in the distant 1974. And then this route was advertised in the media, and cyclists fell in love. Experienced professionals pass the entire route in 3-4 hours, amateurs and beginners - for 6-8 hours. There are no cars here, the road mostly goes downhill.

The route starts at the station Hyogastel at 1000 m, passes Fins station (1222 m), then rises to the Fogervatn pass (1343 m), and then down the slope down to Flamp (0 m). Formally, almost all cyclists start from Fins. There is a well-developed tourist infrastructure, bicycle rental, cafes, restaurants, hotels, many small houses for rent. In addition, in this settlement there is absolutely no motor transport. Also at the station there is a museum dedicated to the construction of the railway. It has many old photographs and videos.

How to ride on the Path of excavators?

The bicycle route Rallarvegen for most begins at Finse station. You can get here only by rail from Oslo or from Bergen. Trains run daily, the schedule needs to be specified.

Airports and highways are not here.