Sore feet - reasons

Most often, the reasons that the legs hurt, are the banal fatigue of the muscles. But meanwhile, the culprits of such unpleasant sensations in the lower limbs can be inflammation or frustration in different body systems, so when you have pulling or aching pain in your legs, be sure to find out the reasons for their occurrence.

Causes of joint pain in the legs

In our time, joint diseases are very common. Often there are pains in the joints of the legs. The reasons for their diverse, but mostly in patients with such complaints diagnosed:

Osteochondrosis, which provokes painful sensations in the joints of the lower extremities, appears due to high mechanical loads or congenital anomalies and injuries. Also, this disease can manifest itself against the background of endocrine disorders, an imbalance of hormones or a sedentary lifestyle.

Arthritis, causing pain in the legs, appears due to the presence of various infections in the body, due to metabolic disorders or after hypothermia. Osteoarthritis is a disease, the symptom of which is pain in the lower limbs, often caused by genetic disorders, low bone mass, excessive loads and a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium.

Causes of pain in calves of legs

Calf pain is one of the most common. It can be accompanied by cramps and even swelling. The causes of the appearance of pain in the calves of the feet are mainly associated with excessive physical exertion. Often, these painful feelings occur in those who engage in sports. There are cases when muscular pain in the legs in the calf area is caused by such causes as thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. With thrombophlebitis, the pain sensations in the calf muscles usually have a pulsating character, I can even get burned under the skin. But the "dull" pain with the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the legs signal about varicose veins.

If the calves of your legs hurt, then the reason for this may also lie in the fact that you spent too much time in a standing or sitting position. In this case, the pain may be aching, and "blunt", and cutting.

Do you suddenly have "compressive" pain in the calves of the legs? Most likely, this is atherosclerosis of the arteries. Also, with this disease, pain intensifies when walking and even a feeling of cold feet appears. Therefore, if you notice all these signs, then unpleasant sensations in calves are associated with this disease.

Sometimes women and men are hurt by veins on their legs in the calf area and they "look" for the causes of this phenomenon. But in fact, the veins do not hurt, since they do not have any nerve endings, but the skin or nerve points that are close to them. This is due to thrombophlebitis or excessive love of women to high heels.

Causes of pain in the feet

The structure of the human foot allows it to successfully cope with serious stresses, and the foot can withstand not only the weight of its owner, but also a variety of goods. However, sometimes the feet are aching, and the reasons for this pain are very different. It can be:

Low motor activity, stays in hot climates and obesity also cause pain in the feet. To reveal the real reason for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in this area of ​​the body will be only the osteopath.