How to remove scars from acne on the face?

Scars are a common consequence of acne vulgaris , especially if there is no treatment or if it is not properly performed. Thus, even getting rid of one problem, you can buy another one, and it will be much harder to cope with it.

Types of acne scars

The scars remaining after acne are divided into three types:

  1. Atrophic - look like depressions on the skin, characterized by a lack of connective tissue.
  2. Hypertrophic - have the form of tubercles, rising above the surface of the skin, are formed due to the formation of a large number of connective tissue.
  3. Keloid - dense scars of irregular shape, having a reddish color.

Consider how to remove scars from acne on the face, as suggested by their beauticians and dermatologists in professional conditions, and what methods can be used at home on their own.

How can I remove scars after acne on my face?

In salons and cosmetology clinics the following procedures are offered, helping to completely eliminate or reduce the scars on the face from acne:

Which of the methods proves to be the most acceptable and effective in each specific case can be determined by a specialist, assessing the degree of skin lesion. You should be prepared for the fact that to get a positive result you need to undergo a course of procedures - on average, 7-10 sessions, the intervals between which can be about one week to one and a half months.

Creams and ointments from acne scars on the face

At home, you can treat the scars from pimples through various creams and ointments. But this way of dealing with flaws on the skin can give a positive result only if the scars are small and fresh. It is useless to lubricate old scars with such means.

The most suitable ointments and creams that help to get rid of scars after pimples are:

Home treatment with these tools should be combined with other procedures, for example: