Vascular network on the face

The pronounced vascular network on the face is an essential aesthetic disadvantage for a woman of any age. Beginning with the appearance of single vascular "stars", the problem can quickly worsen, and large areas of the face will be permeated with a "cobweb" of capillaries, making the skin red all the time. This pathology specialists call couperose, recommending that they pay attention to it in time and start treatment.

Causes of vasculature in the face

The vascular network arises as a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the vessels of the skin, their persistent expansion and disturbance of the microcirculation of the skin, which can be provoked by the following main factors:

How to get rid of the vascular mesh on the face at home?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the effect of provoking factors that cause an increase in blood microcirculation, overflow of the cutaneous vessels and their rupture, irritation and allergic reactions. For example, you should stop using:

It is useful to take preparations with vitamins K, C, E, PP, and also to consume more products that contain them, which contributes to improving the tone and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing the permeability of capillaries. It is necessary to refuse from sharp and fatty dishes, smoked products, marinades. Before going out to the street, you must always apply a cream with sunscreen on your face. It is also recommended to use cosmetics designed specifically for skin with couperose.

A good folk remedy, which allows to reduce the manifestation of the vascular network on the face, is a compress.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Petrushka pour boiling water, let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Strain, add milk. In the resulting solution, moisten the gauze and apply to the skin for 20-30 minutes daily.

How to remove the vascular network on the face by professional methods?

Specialists for the removal of the vascular network on the face can recommend various methods:

But, it is worth considering that, despite its effectiveness, the listed procedures can cause some complications. For example, a frequent undesirable consequence of removing the vascular network on the face of the laser is the appearance of small scars and discolored skin areas.