Respiratory rate in children

Breathing is a process so natural and familiar that it practically does not emphasize attention, especially if it's not about obvious violations. But if it concerns children, one should think about the normality of its course, since the growth and development of the baby directly depends on breathing. In particular, it takes a direct part in the formation of speech, and how exactly the child breathes depends on how often and continuously he will get sick as he grows up. In order to understand whether everything is in order, you should monitor the frequency of breathing in children. How to distinguish between the norm and the deviation?

Respiratory rate in newborns

It should be remembered that the breathing of newborns has its own peculiarities associated with the anatomical features of the respiratory tract. In the first weeks of life, the rate of respiration of the baby is then accelerated, then slowed down, and several superficial intermittent sighs are replaced by one deep breath. By the end of the newborn period, breathing, as a rule, is established and becomes uniform.

Also, the breathing of children in the first months of life can be hampered by the fact that the narrow, not yet fully formed nasal passages of the baby are clogged with dust, particles of tissue lint. To eliminate and prevent this trouble, the nose should be cleaned daily and the mucous membrane moistened with physiological saline solution.

Measurement of respiratory rate

The calculation of the frequency of breathing is very simple: to do this, it is necessary to count how much the child breathes in a minute, while in a state of wakefulness and rest, for example, while watching cartoons or viewing pictures in the book.

The rate of respiratory rate in children

Normally, the child's breathing is carried out as follows: a deep breath and a subsequent exhalation after it. Determining the respiratory rate in children is necessary to understand how well the lungs are ventilated. An increase in the frequency of breathing relative to the norm suggests that it is superficial, and this can provoke the creation of an enabling environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Normal are the following indicators of respiratory rate in children: