Exercises for a breast lift

Every woman dreams of a stately and tight chest. The decollete zone has always been a symbol of admiration, but also the cause of doubts and fears. We are afraid that with age or after childbirth it will not be attractive. Some people with horror think about plastic, completely not realizing that with the help of simple exercises you can make your breasts tight and beautiful.

There are a lot of exercises for sipping the pectoral muscles, but most women are afraid to perform them, since they think that the breast will become man-like and decrease in size - this is completely wrong!

It is best to start the exercises before the breasts lose their shape. And it happens because of a lack of muscle tissue, so you need to build muscle. We have selected the most effective exercises for breast lift, let's consider.

Exercises for tightening pectoral muscles

To warm up the muscles, you need to make a short workout before training : the shoulders turn back and forth, as well as the divorce with your hands. Then you can start the exercises.

  1. In the supine position, take dumbbells in your hands and directly hold them in front of you. Taking a breath, spread your hands to the sides, exhalation - the starting position. (Start with one approach for 15 times).
  2. Push-up. Wide arms or hand, legs or foots take away back and socks упритесь in a floor, extend on all length. Bend your elbows, spreading them to the sides. The belly should not sag - this will reduce the efficiency of the muscles. (One approach - 15 push-ups).
  3. Stand on all fours with the palms of your hands on the floor. Bend down, lowering the pelvis and hips, the chest cage as if open, head upwards. Remain in this position for a minute, then return to the position on all fours. (Repeat exercise 3 times).
  4. Standing against the wall, press on it with your hands as if you want to move it. Keep your chest muscles working, not the dorsal.
  5. Lie on your belly on a sports bench, pick up dumbbells. Raise your arms straight up and slowly lower them. (Do the exercise 20 times.)
  6. With the help of a rubber expander, in the standing position, spread your hands to the sides, loosen and tighten the expander. Try to stay in position for a few seconds.
  7. Connect the palms in front of the chest and press hard for a few seconds.

With the help of exercises you can tighten your chest, but the main thing is desire. Without regular classes you will not achieve results.