Soothing for cats

The reason for finding soothing for cats can be a variety of options, for example, moving, stressful situation on a walk, long trip, estrus and so on.

In any case, each owner should have information about sedative preparations for cats, so that if necessary, do not look for information, but simply buy the drug.

The cause was estrus

Perhaps, one of the readers will ask themselves, why should a cat calm during heat ? But you do not even know what happens to a cat that does not have the ability to mate during this period.

Being in a state of readiness for mating, the cat's body throws out a lot of hormones, so the cat is in a state of stress, infinitely meows, marks and stuff. Sometimes a cat can even fall into a state of panic! And this is dangerous for you and your family.

It is best to give sedatives a couple of days before the estrus, tk. The sedative begins to act not immediately. Therefore, the best option is to show the veterinarian the other day so that he can prescribe the right drug. If there is no such possibility for some reason, then you can use:

  1. Cat Baiyun.
  2. Stop Stress.
  3. Suprastin. It should be used from the calculation of ΒΌ tablets per 5 kg of the animal. Giving a cat such a sedative is necessary in the morning and at night for 3 days.

The cause of stress was the move

Any travel, including just traveling by car or, especially, by public transport, stress for the cat. Therefore, it is best to prevent trouble by using sedatives.

Soothing for cats at moving can be used in other stressful situations, when a cat is nervous or has a feeling of fear:

  1. Cat Baiyun.
  2. Stop Stress.
  3. Cat mint.
  4. Fifyx.

What a reassuring to give the cat from the list given, it's up to you. The Bajun cat is a universal sedative, but many say it is too weak, so look at the "dimensions of the catastrophe".

In addition to drugs should also take into account such advice:

  1. Be sure to get a carry. In carrying, the cat will feel protected.
  2. Talk to the animal whenever possible. Make your voice soft and gentle. Ideally, if you could iron a cat during a trip.
  3. If you are traveling by public transport, then buy a harness and leash, release the cat and let it sniff.

The use of sedative for cats is simply necessary. Be sure to give such a drug to your pet if he goes to a haircut!