Rights and responsibilities of adolescents

It is very important to know your rights in the modern information society. This is especially true for the least protected layers of society - adolescent children. After all, very often the rights of grown up children are violated , especially in matters of employment.

At the same time, rapid maturation often gives them a sense of complete equality with adults. As a result, from the side of the teenager, the house begins to militarily defend their rights and ignore the duties.

We should not forget that despite the apparent adulthood, adolescents are still morally and socially immature. And we should help them understand the difficult legal and moral issues.

What rights does a teenager have?

According to the UN Convention, every child has the unconditional right to life, development and protection of his rights. Also, children have the right to active life in society.

The rights of a teenager in school are the opportunity to receive free education, which must correspond to modern standards. In addition, a child can independently choose an educational institution and, if necessary, change it. A teenager has the right to psychological and pedagogical assistance, freedom of expression.

The teenager has certain rights in the family.

Thus, starting from the age of 14, children can already manage their own money , and, if necessary, invest them in bank accounts.

From the age of 14 they get the right to be hired. But for teenagers 14 to 16 years, the working day should not be more than 5 hours, and for 16-18 years - no more than 7 hours.

In addition to rights, the teenager has a number of responsibilities.

Duties of adolescents in society

Every child should be a law-abiding citizen of his or her society, i.e. respect the rights and freedoms of others and not commit crimes or offenses. Also, it is compulsory to receive a basic general education.

Duties of a teenager in the family

First of all, this is a respectful attitude towards the members of their family. If there are no objective reasons for refusal, then every child can and should help members of his family.

Home responsibilities of a teenager - to establish order and to protect the property of the family.

To date, many organizations and institutions are working to protect the rights of children and adolescents. And yet, for every growing member of society, it is important to explain in a friendly conversation that apart from the rights, the teenager must fulfill certain duties.