Ringworm in cats

People have long been familiar with this dangerous fungal infection. If you do not take timely measures, it will quickly spread to a person, and all family members may suffer from it. What is this unpleasant disease? Can you protect your pets and yourself from it?

Ringworm in cats - the reasons for its appearance

His microscopic creations - fungi-dermatomycetes. Their two main species are Microsporum canis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The disease is easily transmitted from animal to person and from person to person. Also, the infection can be contained in soil or on various objects - on litter or household items. Complicating matters is that lichen can last for years under certain conditions, remaining dangerous. It affects the cats most often on the scalp, legs or tail. A severe defeat of the whole body by infection leads to hair loss , and the skin becomes greasy and flakes. The peddlers can be various rodents, mice, rats, stray cats or dogs.

Ringworm in cats - symptoms

One of the signs of ringworm in cats can be abundant molting with the appearance of whole coils of wool. Cats begin to scratch strongly. Lichen can cause deformation of the claws, which leads to improper growth. Diagnose this disease with the help of a veterinarian. There is a special Wood lamp that emits ultraviolet. About half of the Microsporum canis react to radiation, and the affected skin in the light of the lamp becomes bright green. But Trichophyton mentagrophytes does not react that way, and it is necessary to apply other, more advanced methods for diagnosis. Wool under a microscope or culture of a fungal culture is investigated. In a person who has fallen ill, spots appear on the skin that have a pale yellow color. On the hairline, the infection manifests itself in the form of spots on which the hair is broken off or absent. In this case, you should immediately contact your local dermatologist.

Treatment of cats disease ringworm

It is very likely that there will be a re-infection, so it is necessary to disinfect all items that your pets have contact with. After all, the incubation period can last about three months. This is done with a solution of chlorhexidine (the concentration of the solution is about 3-4%). There is a good vaccine that is used for prevention - Vakderm. After the cat is twice vaccinated, she receives a month's immunity to this disease. Still there is a vaccine Microderm and other new various preparations. Even if the vaccinated animal gets sick (100% of the guarantee does not give anything), then it endures the disease much easier and recovers faster. You can treat the skin with ointments Mikoseptinova, Clotrimazole or spray Bioparox. But the full guarantee of the fact that the animal is already healthy, can only give the tests in the veterinary clinic. It is best to re-run them after one or two weeks. Absence of treatment can lead to the cat covering with stains and will have a pitiful appearance, greatly suffering from hair loss and itching of the skin. Independently, this disease can not be!

Preventive measures

All cats and other domestic animals in which lichen is found should be immediately isolated and treated. Prompt vaccination in time, which will help you avoid this unpleasant disease or significantly reduce this risk. Chronic diseases weaken the immune system and increase the risk of the disease. Limit the contact of their pets and children with stray animals that are carriers of infection. If, nevertheless, the disease affects cats or dogs, then all people who care for them and take part in treatment should strictly follow the simple rules of hygiene. Ringworm in cats is curable, but it is better to take simple preventive measures in a timely manner.