What is sanation in medicine - everything you wanted to know about the term

Before going to the procedure, patients are interested in what is a sanation. Such a reaction to the wave is natural, because everyone has the right to know what manipulations will be done with his or her body. Having received full information, the patient makes the final decision.

What is sanation in medicine?

The term itself will help to understand this question. The name of this procedure was derived from the Latin word sanatio. It literally translates "treatment" or "recovery". Thanks to this, it becomes clear what sanation means. This is a procedure that is aimed at detecting diseases, their elimination, and also the subsequent prevention of such ailments. It is widely used in various fields of medicine:

What is sanation in gynecology?

Inflammatory process in the genital organs is more often caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment provides an integrated approach. Vaginal sanitation is prescribed in such cases:

The procedure is prohibited under these conditions:

Local treatment with antiseptics is often carried out. For this, candles, suppositories, vaginal pills, baths and tampons are used. In addition, the vaginal cavity can be sanitized by vacuum. During such procedures, along with dead cells, germs-provokers of the disease are removed. Vacuum sanitation has high efficiency. Another procedure can be carried out using ultrasound. In the course of it, bubbles form on the surface, which then slough off and are removed from the body. After excretion of pathogenic microflora in the vagina, probiotics are introduced.

Sanitation in surgery - what is it?

The wound is often treated chemically. Local treatment can be conditionally represented by the following stages:

  1. With excessive exudation, bandages with pronounced adsorbing action are used. More often they are impregnated with antibacterial preparations.
  2. Due to impaired blood supply, the wound may not heal well. Scarification helps to correct this situation. Then the wound is covered with a hydrocolloid dressing.
  3. Local therapy is also highly effective in the granulation phase. At this stage, the wounds after the removal of exudate impose hydrocolloid dressings.

What is the sanation of the abdominal cavity can be seen in the example of postoperative peritonitis . To process it, use antiseptic solutions (0.6% sodium hypochlorite and 0.2% chlorhexidine). Sanitation of the abdominal cavity is carried out until there are no macroscopic impurities in the washing waters. This procedure should be carried out with special care. Provided that it is performed correctly, the toxicity of the organism decreases.

Sanitation in dentistry - what is it?

Practically all people are faced with this procedure. Understand that, sanitation of the oral cavity - what it is, will help, again, the meaning of this term. As already mentioned, he points to recovery. In other words, sanitation of the mouth is a whole complex of manipulations. During such procedures, existing dental diseases are identified and eliminated.

Sanitation of the oral cavity can take the following forms:

It is important to understand not only what it is - sanation of teeth, but also in the frequency of such a procedure. Recommended frequency of the event - every six months. This approach will minimize the quantitative loss of teeth and keep them as healthy as possible. However, persons with pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems should undergo an oral cavity examination at least once a quarter.

What is the reorganization of the digestive tract?

The intestinal flora counts about 400 microorganisms. Most of them are useful "inhabitants". They participate in the process of assimilation of food. However, due to malnutrition, antibiotics, excessive stress and other negative factors, the intestinal bacteria are displaced with pathogens. As a result, the body is poisoned by the products of vital activity of such microorganisms. This negatively affects his work.

To correct the situation, a special health-improving procedure is prescribed. Upon learning of the appointment, the patient seeks as much as possible to find out what is the sanitation of the intestine and how it is performed. During this manipulation, the gastrointestinal microflora is excreted from the gastrointestinal tract and, in addition, useful bacteria and medicines are introduced. All this is provided as follows:

  1. Detoxification of the body is carried out by cleansing the intestine. The patient is prescribed cleansing enemas, vegetable and fruit juices, herbs that help clean (senna, bitter aloe, ginger root).
  2. A course of pro and prebiotics is recommended for the colonization of beneficial bacteria in the intestine (Lineks, Bifiform, Hilak Forte).
  3. To fix the effect, a special diet is prescribed , which consists of consuming a large amount of fiber and fermented milk products.

What is the sanation of the respiratory tract?

Aspiration is a very demanded procedure. To understand what it is, you need to find out what sanitation means. This procedure involves the removal of accumulated mucus from the trachea and tracheostomy tube. After it, the patient is much easier to breathe. Frequency of conduct is determined by the doctor individually in each case. However, sanitation can not be carried out many times in a row. The more often it is performed, the more sputum is collected.

Indications for this procedure are chronic diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pleurisy, COPD) in the presence of the following symptoms:

Sanitation of ENT organs

This procedure is appointed very often. Patients who suffer from tonsillitis, are prescribed a sanation of the tonsils - what is it, the doctor will thoroughly explain everything. The procedure is aimed at removing pus and disinfecting the oral cavity. Under steady-state conditions, the sanation is carried out as follows:

Why is sanation necessary?

This procedure helps to identify the problem and solve it in a timely manner. Knowing what sanitation is, the patient realizes the result to which he has the right to count. For example, pregnant women face during pregnancy with this procedure repeatedly. For the first time - when they become registered in the gynecological department. The doctor sends the pregnant woman to a dental checkup. Because of the hormonal adjustment that occurs in the body of a woman, there is a change in the acid-base balance, caries develop. In addition, the condition of the gums deteriorates, so aspiration is necessary.

Sanitation before childbirth is an antiseptic treatment of the vagina. The procedure is aimed at cleaning the genital tract from pathogenic microorganisms. The gynecologist will tell in detail the pregnant woman what kind of birth canal is, and will pick up the optimal drug for her. The medicine is chosen taking into account the pathogen (bacterium, virus or fungus).

How to sanitize?

Each type of aspiration has its own characteristics. However, the procedure for rehabilitation can be represented by general principles: