Run for burning fat

For a long time already, the run for fat burning has gained popularity and is practiced by the inhabitants of countries in which the highest percentages of people with excess weight relative to the rest. Running has not only a good effect for weight loss, but also helps to bring the body into tone, make the muscles more elastic, and outlines - more attractive.

What gives the right run for fat burning?

Regular jogging brings a lot of benefit to the body. This type of activity forces the majority of muscle types to work, which forces all systems of the body to work more actively. When the heart system works at a maximum, the lungs are actively ventilated, the metabolism accelerates to the limit, you remove toxins and toxins, which helps to disperse metabolism even more. As a result, you not only reduce your weight by consuming calories, but also make your health stronger.

An interesting effect was noticed: after 20 minutes of active aerobic activity (and running is just such a load), the body, with a shortage of carbohydrates, switches to the use of previously stored fats, due to which they are actively split. It is at the expense of this effect that specialists advise running programs for burning fat.

Now there is an opinion that the constant use of aerobic exercise can be dangerous, since the body gets used to using fat as a "fuel", and therefore more actively stores it. However, this is only a theory so far. However, it is easy to make cardio out of aerobic and power load - instead of a measured run choose running with accelerations or running up the stairs. Such a load causes the body to work in an anaerobic regime, i.e. in the lack of oxygen. This triggers other processes, and allows you to actively burn calories a few hours after training.

Running technique for fat burning

Given all of the above, you can offer two types of training, which will easily get rid of fat deposits. The general rules will be simple: training should be regular! Run less often than 3-4 times a week, you can not. Each training is a step to an ideal figure, and the more such steps you take, the closer you will be!

Interval run for fat burning

The essence of such a system is simple. For 30 seconds or minutes you run as fast as you can. Then about the same amount you go. After that, go to a moderate pace of running. Then again repeat the whole program, and so - for 30-40 minutes of training. Alternating a sprinting run to burn fat with rest, you make the body get an intense load. Gradually, the share of the sprint needs to be increased. You can run this way at any time of the day.

Morning Classic Jogging

Each person has their own preferences, and if the upper circuit for some reason does not suit you, you can always use classic option. In this case it is recommended to run 5 times a week in the morning on an empty stomach. Before training, you should drink a cup of coffee without sugar and cream - so you can run longer, and spend more calories, because coffee is a natural fat burner . The duration of the training is 40 minutes, but if it is difficult for you, you can start with smaller indicators. It is best to run on a natural ground with descents and ascents, as well as with even areas. The tempo can be kept the same, and only when you are tired, go to step.

Training is best done on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating. After exercise, an abundant drink is recommended and at least an hour of abstinence from food. There is then a protein food - cottage cheese, chicken breast or fat-free sour-milk products.