Fitness for the lazy

You can play sports not only in specially equipped halls and venues. There are quite a few people who follow their figure so much that in their free time they go to work out instead of resting, squat or pull twine, not embarrassed by others, and instead of a bus they may prefer to run through the city. They are right. Movement is normal, it is abnormal to kill your body with unhealthy food and immobility. People who lead an active lifestyle grow old much more slowly than lazy people.

Fitness at home

If you do not have the opportunity to go to the hall, do not be scared. We will tell you how to do fitness at home. We offer you a small complex of simple exercises that you can perform without being distracted from your favorite TV series and even without getting up from the sofa, so to say fitness for the lazy.

  1. Sit back on the couch, cross your legs, take a towel, pull it up and put your hands up. Tilt the body to the sides, without reducing the tension of the towel. Do this exercise 10 times in each direction.
  2. Take a dumbbell or a couple of bottles of water. Pull your arms out in front of you and spread them apart. Then go back to the starting position. Do not less than 10 repetitions.
  3. Lying on your left side, raise your right foot up, then lower it. Keep your head with your hand, pull the socks on yourself. Then change the position and repeat the exercise for the left foot. 10 repetitions per leg.
  4. Change to the edge of the sofa, hands rest on the sofa at the level of the hips. Change to the floor, holding your weight with your hands, then go back to the couch. Exercise slowly, feel the tension in your hands. 10 repetitions.
  5. Take the position lying on the couch, stretch your arms along the body. Legs are bent at the knees, feet are placed approximately on the width of the shoulders. On exhalation, raise the pelvis as much as possible, hold for a second, then return to the starting position. 10 repetitions.
  6. Lying on your back, hands along the body, raise your straight legs up, straining the muscles of the lower press, then lower them. Do the exercise slowly, without jerking. 10 repetitions
  7. At the end, perform a small breathing exercise. Sit on the sofa, straighten your back and cross your legs. Draw into the lungs air, then make 2 short expiratory and 1 long, exhaling residues.

This is a work program for fitness, which takes quite a bit of time and at the same time helps to stay in good shape.

It is also possible not only to maintain the body in a tone, but also to significantly improve its proportions. Of course, the fitness program at home will differ from the program for the gym, but it can be as effective and no less exhausting.

Fitness in the workplace

Of course, there are fewer opportunities for exercise in the office and they are not as effective as fitness workouts at home, but they will completely help stretch the sagging muscles and regain their cheerfulness after several hours in front of the computer. All exercises are performed sitting in a chair.

  1. Perform the head tilt to the sides, forward and backward, and then rotate the rotation one way, then the other. Such a simple exercise will help improve the blood supply to the brain and clear thoughts.
  2. Close your hands in the lock and perform at least 10 circular movements, without blurring your palms.
  3. Place the hands on the shoulders and make several circular movements with the shoulders back and forth.
  4. Take off your shoes in heels and perform a circular rotation with one foot, then another.
  5. Bend the leg, pulling the knee to the stomach, then straighten it, stretching out in front of you, and lower it to the floor. So you will improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  6. One hand toss over his shoulder, the other stretch to the shoulder blades from below and close your hands in the lock. This will allow you to stretch your back muscles well.