Puree from broccoli

It so happened that many ingredients need to be able to cook, so that they revealed their taste. Broccoli also belongs to such ingredients. The original green cabbage is not very popular in our region precisely because people do not know how to cook it, but we undertake to fix the situation and provide you with 2 simple recipes: broccoli puree for brothels and an option for adults.

Recipe for broccoli



Broccoli is boiled to softness in barely salted water. Whisk hot cabbage with a blender, or wipe through a sieve. Mix the resulting puree with butter and pre-boiled milk. Puree broccoli for children is ready!

If your child can not yet consume dairy products, then squish cabbage in water until soft and simply rub with the resulting liquid.

Mashed potatoes with broccoli

And now a recipe that is suitable for both adults and older children.



Broccoli and boil in boiling salted water for 10-15 minutes. Potatoes are also washed, cleaned and boiled until cooked. Milk poured into a saucepan and cook with a sprig of rosemary for 2-3 minutes. We connect the inflorescences of broccoli and potatoes in a blender, whisk thoroughly with the addition of butter and milk. If there is no blender, then use a crush, and mash the finished mash through a sieve. In olive oil, fry the garlic and fill it with the prepared mashed potatoes. We complement the dish with salt, pepper and mustard to taste. An amazing mashed potato with broccoli is ready!