Arnold Ehret: a non-nutritious diet

The now popular author Arnold Eret and his book "The Immaculate Diet" received a wide public response. Such a diet helps to cleanse the body of all that is harmful, that we brought it into the wrong diet and eat as intended by the mother-nature, and an example is suggested to be taken from animals.

Healing system of non-slimming diet

Arnold and his impotent diet instantly became known throughout the world. By simple deductions the author proves that by nature man must eat ... fruit. And that it is because we do not do this, and there are a lot of human diseases.

It's unlikely that Erett's mucus diet will appeal to doctors, because he criticizes all modern postulates of medicine, finding them fundamentally wrong. The book came out in the early 20th century, but the medical community did not react to its findings.

The author suggests gradually shifting to the food that was prepared for humans by nature - gradualness is important, because the organism reacts extremely badly to any abrupt changes. Ehret advises first to switch to vegetables and fruits in all types and gradually narrow the diet, reaching only to seasonal fruits, not all of their variety, but one species. After all, animals usually eat all their lives one kind of food and they never drink it with food. Nobody chooses different dishes and does not layer them. The simpler the food, the healthier it is.

Arnold was convinced on personal experience that if you cleanse the body of mucus, eating one seasonal kind of fruit allows you to develop an unprecedented strength and endurance, which he never had before. However, it is necessary to come to this with small steps, otherwise the body will weaken, and the person will somehow return to the usual diet.

Mild-free diet: criticism of other systems

The Ereta system can not be attributed to raw food, as it does not approve the presence of seeds and nuts, which are designed to balance nutrition. In addition, Arnold criticizes many other discoveries.

For example, the author is dissatisfied with the fact that for the muscle building, which consist of protein and water, a person is recommended to eat protein. He considers this approach wrong, because the body itself builds chains of protein from amino acids. Proceeding from the same, he does not agree with the fact that the nursing mother should drink milk, so that she has milk for the child. After all, a cow that gives milk in nature does not drink it, but only eats grass!

The most important of all postulates that Arnold rejects is the theory of metabolism. He believes that there is no daily replacement of used cells, and it is not necessary to substitute artificially for those elements that are synthesized in the body.