After sex

None of us needs guidance on what to do during sex, but what to do after it, what to say, not everyone knows. Naturally, couples living together for a long time, such questions will not arise, but if your relationship is just beginning to develop, then such an interest is fully justified.

What to do after sex?

The answer to this question depends on what kind of sex - spontaneous, one night, unprotected or with a proven partner. Further actions and conversations depend on how much you liked everything and would like you to "continue the banquet."

  1. Who does not know that gynecologists strongly recommend taking a shower after sex in order to comply with hygiene? But you can make this formal process more enjoyable by going to the bath together. What will you do there - wash, bathe in foam, fool around and let bubbles or make love again, it's up to you.
  2. After sex, a man may not be located to talk and further action, this is due to physiology. After orgasm, the hormone serotonin is released into the blood, which causes fatigue in men. That's why the representatives of the strong half of humanity after the love of comfort so like to take a nap or go to the kitchen to refresh themselves. Therefore, it is not always necessary to pester the partner with chit-chat - it's very pleasant to take a nap together, and the company can make up a late-dinner supper, a cup of tea or an apple of extra centimeters will not be added to you.
  3. But without talking after sex, too, do not get by, it's painful the ladies respect this case. Only that's what to talk about? It's not about the most pressing problems, it's better to praise your partner, tell me which moments you particularly liked. Perhaps in the process of memories you want to repeat everything. By the way, it is not necessary to associate love to bed talks with character traits, this is facilitated by changes in the female body after sex. The same serotonin hormone makes women feel the need to share their emotions with a man.
  4. If sex is not a success, then to assure that everything was just super, do not, you both all understand. Distracted from the thought of failure will help to talk on an abstract topic over a cup of coffee or tea.
  5. Women are emotional creatures, and some of them are recognized as "crying after sex." This behavior can lead a partner into a stupor, but what if the tears flow themselves? Many scientists attribute this to the excessive sensitivity of the lady, but there are also those who consider constant tears after coitioning due to health problems. True, they can not say exactly which ones, because the phenomenon has not been fully studied yet.
  6. Many couples like to stay in bed after sex and take time together to watch movies. What to watch, choose for yourself - melodramas will be put to sleep faster than a lullaby, erotica can adjust to another sexual intercourse, and a dynamic film will allow you to relax and really watch a movie.

What to do after unprotected sex?

If in the heat of passion you forget about protection, it will not be superfluous to take precautions. After unprotected sex will need to take care of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. To do this, you need to wash the genitals with soap and treat them and the inner sides of the thighs with an antiseptic drug (betadine or miramistin). To protect against unwanted pregnancy, you must take 3 tablets of hormonal contraceptive with a dose of estradiol 0,3-0,35 mg in a tablet and after 12 hours take 3 more pills. This method can not be used more than 3 times a year. Postinor or estradiol should not be taken, because they always adversely affect women's health.

What if I have unpleasant feelings after sex?

Not always loving the game leaves behind only a pleasant languor, some women complain of unpleasant feelings after sex. What to do in this case and why this happens?

If the girl complains that her breast hurts after sex, the inner side of the thighs, then the first thing that comes to mind is the excessive activity of the couple or the coarseness of the partner. But not always unpleasant sensations after sex are caused by such reasons, it can testify and about diseases of bodies of a small basin or a breast. A burning and itching in the vagina can talk about infectious diseases. Therefore, if unpleasant sensations after intimacy are permanent, you should consult your doctor.