Pagoda for children of 1 class

Often children speak quickly and swallow many sounds. To teach a child 6-7 years of clear and correct pronunciation, there are children's tongue twisters for 1 class. Thanks to them the diction will be correct and will provide a comfortable and understandable communication.

Each tongue twister is a phrase or rhyme, in which a difficultly pronounced sound or syllable concentrates.

How correctly to learn with tongue twisters?

In order for this speech training to work, first say the training rhyme slowly and clearly. After this, gradually increase the speed, carefully following the correctness of the pronunciation. To the child was fun, be sure to pick interesting tongue twisters for children of the 1st class, which you can beat.

Pronouncing them in motion will also be a speech training . When a child learns to speak well and quickly, you can complicate the exercise. Put a handful of nuts in your mouth and say a rhyme this way.

Tongues for difficult speaking sounds

The most difficult for the children of seven years of age are letters P, L and hissing. Examples of teaching tongue twisters:

Letter "L":

Goats goats in a thunderstorm in a vine,

A goat bites in a thunder-storm.

Letter "R":

In the yard there is grass,

On the grass - firewood,

Do not cut firewood:

In the yard there is grass.

Beforehand pick up the kid cheerful tongue twisters with hissing sounds, after all, 1st grade is the best age for their use. A joint study will train not only speech, but memory, and also rally you for an interesting family pastime. Moreover, Russian tongue twisters are common and are actively used for 1st grade kids.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.

Put on the cuckoo hood,

As in the hood, he is ridiculous.

Here are some more examples of short tongue twisters:

Sizzling "F":

  1. Do not live a snake, where hedgehogs live.
  2. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, and the horror has an appetite.
  3. The hedgehog is lying by the tree, the hedgehog needles.
  4. The beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle. Heavy casing on the beetle.

Sizzling "H":

  1. Just like a mother in a daughter.
  2. Tanya has a wheelbarrow, and Anechka has a biscuit biscuit.
  3. Baker is a pea kalachi in the oven. Hot rolls, rolls are hot,
  4. In the stove kalachi, like fire, are hot for anyone baked? For a check, they are hot for the tick.

Sound "Sh":

  1. Murder will out.
  2. Lusha at the shower washed her neck and ears.
  3. Methyl in the basket - hit the window.
  4. I will not find the ears of our frog.
  5. Puff like a puff, Mishka puffs.
  6. I went around the pebbles, found the fur silk.
  7. Makar and cat, mosquito and midge.
  8. Timoshka Troshke crumbs into crumbs.
  9. A cat on the window sews a shirt for Yermoshka.

Sound "Щ":

  1. I drag the pike, pull it, I will not miss the pike.
  2. Wolves are scouring, they are looking for food.
  3. Puppy for the two cheeks weaves from the sorrel soup.
  4. Not the comrade, comrade, comrade comrade, who is a companion to comrades, and that comrade, comrade, comrade comrade, who without comrades comrade comrade.