Voodoo doll - how to make your own hands and how to manage it?

The ancient African magic of voodoo originated on the island of Haiti and is considered a true manifestation of evil. A voodoo doll (or volt) is one of the necessary tools in this magical direction. You can use it for different purposes, both good and bad.

What is a voodoo doll?

Made of improvised materials, a kind of volt is a magical prototype of man and with its help you can have any magical effect. Religion voodoo contributes to the creation of an energetically powerful subject, through which you can control the "victim." There are many options for creating dolls and different rituals aimed at giving it strength.

What does the voodoo doll look like?

It is impossible to describe a single image according to which dolls are created, since the number of possible variants can not be recounted. A voodoo doll made of wax, fabric, straw and other materials can be made. Many are sure that it must certainly have an awesome appearance, but in fact it is not so, and everything depends on the purpose of creating the volt. In most cases, witches and other people who create a doll do it quickly, so they do not pay attention to its appearance, most importantly, to use all the necessary details.

Why do you need a voodoo doll?

In most cases, volts are created when there are intentions to cause another person physical or psychological harm. Black magicians use dolls to inflict spoilage or draw various troubles to the person. Finding out how to use a voodoo doll, it is worth noting that the rituals with volts, implying a love spell, are very popular. In addition, volts can also be used in white magic rituals, for example, to attract wealth, success, and so on.

A voodoo doll is a myth or a reality?

The debate over the action and power of magic, probably, will never end. The African voodoo doll was also criticized. Many scientists who conducted research in Africa, were interested in the magical beliefs of the inhabitants of this continent, and they assure that there is no relation of the volta to real magic. There is a suggestion that the doll was invented by an American writer who wrote a story about the fictional voodoo magic. At the same time, many modern mages and psychics use puppets in their ritual and assure them that they have great power.

How to make a voodoo doll?

The most common are volts made of wax. This material is considered an excellent conductor, and it is able to accumulate, transform and store information. Before you figure out how to make a voodoo doll, you need to prepare the following items: three ordinary white candles, four thin sticks and a natural thin thread. It is necessary to use something connected with the victim, for example, hair, nails or personal things. Let's move on to how to make a Voodoo doll with your own hands:

  1. Take the longest stick that will become the base. Using a thread, wind a smaller twig to it to make a figure resembling a Slavic cross. To the bottom of the base, you need to attach two more sticks, which will serve as legs. As a result, you should get a figure that is similar in shape to a person.
  2. In an iron container crush the candles, removing the wick. Put it on the fire and bring the wax to soften. The mass should become elastic, so that it can be easily molded from it. Boil the wax is not necessary.
  3. Prepared mass oblypite wooden frame. Try to maximally repeat the figure of the object chosen for the ritual. If there are nails of the victim, then add them to the wax mass. Attach the hair to the head.
  4. The voodoo doll must be clothed in products made from personal belongings of a person. At this stage, it can be considered ready.
  5. If there is a photo of a person, you can cut out his face and attach it to the doll.

How to manage a voodoo doll?

It is important to understand that voodoo magic has tremendous power, so it is better for beginners not to take risks, because any mistakes can have serious consequences. It is important to know the rules of how to use a voodoo doll, since it is a powerful energy object.

  1. It is forbidden to use it to bring on a person a deadly disease or other situations leading to death, since such rituals have a serious impact.
  2. If the mage does not possess sufficient strength and protection, then one does not need to perform rituals in the cemetery and use things taken from graves.
  3. It is important not to tell anyone about the doll and conduct rituals alone.
  4. You can not use the magic of voodoo if you do not believe in it, because it can anger the spirits that will take revenge.
  5. If the voodoo doll broke, then you need to get rid of it and do it according to the rules (indicated below). After that, you can make a new volt.
  6. Each program on the doll works individually, so the ritual can work the next day, and in a few months and even a year. It all depends on the strength of the person who makes it.

Voodoo doll on love

For the ritual to attract love, it is necessary to take into account the image of the beloved person during the manufacture of volts. It is important to obtain and use the genetic material of the object of adoration, for example, hair and nails. It is also recommended to use the pieces of clothing that a loved one always wears. There is an instruction how to create a voodoo doll for a love ritual:

  1. Start with the fact that hair and nails are attached to the volt, and for the outfit, use the clothing parts of the adoring object.
  2. Be sure to name it in the name of your lover.
  3. During the making of a doll it is important to constantly think about the second half.
  4. At the end of the ritual, tell the plot. After that, you can make a love spell on a voodoo doll and use it in a ritual.

Voodoo doll for losing weight

Those who want to lose weight can perform a voodoo ritual. During the manufacture of volts, make it large, marking problem areas. Doing voodoo dolls and rituals is necessary all alone:

  1. Pick up a doll and imagine yourself shapely and beautiful. Start to pick off the wax from the problem areas: buttocks, thighs and waist.
  2. Do everything slowly and repeat during this conspiracy. If it is difficult to read the words, then you can use the online playback in the translator.
  3. When the figure becomes perfect, then collect the torn pieces of wax in a silk handkerchief and burn it. Keep the doll away from prying eyes.

Voodoo doll for health

You can use magic to make a guard for your health. Make a wax doll, as described above, but only inside it is necessary to put mint, hops and dandelion leaves . If a voodoo doll is made for good purposes, that is, to heal a loved one, then it is important to make the volta as much as possible to it. During the manufacture, think about how the patient is recovering. Give the Volt to a person, and let him keep it next to him until he heals.

What is dangerous voodoo doll?

It is important to consider that the magic of voodoo has a close connection with spirits, which require a fee for their help. People who possess magical abilities and constantly practicing rituals know how to pay off correctly, unlike a person who first encountered magic. A voodoo doll is a serious magical object and if produced to harm someone, the consequences can be sad, for example, mental or physical illness, financial problems and even the death of a loved one.

How to protect yourself from a voodoo doll?

No matter how strange it may sound, you can also protect yourself from the magic of voodoo with the help of a doll. The volt must be created in its own likeness. Protection from the consequences of voodoo dolls will be a guard from another magical negative, and even from the anger and gossip of enemies. For volts, you need to do something like a house, where it will be warm and cozy. Put the doll in it and believe that all evil will pass by. Remove everything in a secret place so that no one sees.

It is equally important to know what to do if you find a voodoo doll, since it can be lining. You can not take a magic item with your bare hands. It is recommended to conduct the ritual on Saturday. Take and wrap the doll with a white cloth and sprinkle it generously with salt. Together with her, go to a deserted place and dig a deep hole there. Put a lining in it and burn it. The remaining ash sprinkle with holy water and fill the pit. When you get home, take a bath with salt and milk.

How to get rid of voodoo dolls?

If the created volt has fulfilled its task, it can not simply be thrown away or stored at home, as it continues to be energetically related to the person. In such a situation it is important to know how to destroy a Voodoo doll, and for this purpose there are a few simple rituals. To complete one of them, follow the instructions:

  1. Take a glass of holy water or use a concocted liquid. Dip a voodoo doll in a vessel and let it be saturated with moisture.
  2. Looking at the volta, clearly tell the plot, and then, get it out and burn it. The remaining ash must be buried at the crossroads.